What are the odds that New servers get released?

Honest guess, Do you think new realms will release? with no boost/xfers for XXXX time? To me thats best case scenario.

It’s what a portion of the community wants.

It would be really nice if they were dropped at the same time a prepatch just to make things easier all around with the phases and everything.

Chances are looking pretty slim though.

dam, I really think that some new servers would make both sides happy. Sides as in people that want boost vs dont

The hope is that Blizzard still doesnt release enough servers to handle the load that TBC might have, which will force them to release new ones.

We’ll see what happens. I want Fresh servers, but I don’t think they’ll do it until further down the line

We probably won’t be getting fresh TBC servers. I could see them doing fresh Classic server at some point this year though.

Yeah, I highly doubt they will release servers they can’t sell boosts on, and if they do, they will probably allow boost toons.

Like somebody else said, I could see fresh classic servers, but probably not TBC ones.

I hope so as it’s the only condition I’ll play.

And in 6 months those new servers will be no different than the current servers so I am not understanding your point about being the only way you will play. What are you thinking you are avoiding with a new server?

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Fresh servers? 75%+. Too much of an obvious win for Blizzard to not. Whether or not they have boosts or xfers…that’s another story even though it would be completely contrary to the point. I have the lowest expectations for Blizzard to implement them smartly without seeing dollar signs.

Only if there is a need due to current survers being filled.

They’re not filled, so no, I don’t think we wi see any “fresh” servers.

I think they are trying to fill up the dead’ish servers before adding new servers. However, if they do add a server it would be nice if they locked out transfers/boosts for a while to help the fresh crowd out. I’m mostly getting what I want already but I don’t mind if others get what they want too :slight_smile:

We have a formal request post up for some fresh servers with no cash shop conveniences here: A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers - #1646 by Kurisutina-smolderweb

It has just under 4.2K likes at this point. I think the market is definitely there for some new servers with no cash shop conveniences. I know there are not as many RPG’ers on the WoW Classic servers as there were back in the original Vanilla release, but I do believe we still form a sizable community playing the game.

The only issue I see is that Blizzard can make more money from the min/max crowd and their die-hard fans who will buy any convenience offered in the cash shop over the RPG’ers. And I am not sure without adequate data if the loss of subscriptions from any of the RPG’ers who leave to play another MMORPG would even matter to them against the profits they see from the min/maxers and die-hard Blizzard fans.

I am hoping they do open a few fresh servers in each area for those of us who are RPG’ers and still play this game as an MMORPG. But only time will tell if Blizzard actually cares about that community any more.

As an aside, they originally were not going to open any RP servers for Classic until the community spoke out about them. Could be posts like this one and the one above may help them to see there is a potential way to keep some subscribers by opening some new servers with no cash shop conveniences. I for one am hoping so. :smiley:


Doubt it. Blizzard only adds new realms when their existing realms are overcrowded; that’s not the case even before they effectively double the number of realms they have. People keep asking if they’ll release new realms based on reasoning that has never mattered to Blizzard.


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