What are the funniest names you have come up with for your characters?

Fun, positive thread here. Post all of the toon names you like the most, the ones that stuck with you, and the ones that made you laugh!

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A little weird about names, they have to be a Name. Call it the former RP’er in me. :smiley:

I got Cat with no diacritics. She is a cat, too! She stealths, saps, and runs away.

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Made a hunter named Stoopid. Named my cat “Imwthstoopid”.


My DH was originally named Crackmaster. After the Sesame Street short, something about the lack of eyes. I got sick of npcs calling me that though, so like most of my joke names it got changed. For reference:


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Reminds of the person I saw once who was a mage with the name Azeroth. The legendary type of name you would never expect to see because its so common but someone still managed to grab it.

I dislike comedy


I am coming out rl here lol, my name is Melanie. I just made a lightforged Draenei, named Melanei, it makes me chuckle.

Lame yes, win for me definitely!

My lock named Healthstoned


On Illidan I have a monk named Soberyin and a warrior named Ragingyang.

If you know, you know.


My friend has a hilariously crass name that would get flagged in a second if he logged in for any reason other than to sign guild charters on my server. So then everyone gets to see that guy is joining the guild. :laughing: He’s doing me a solid so I guess I can’t complain.

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My brother had a dwarf named harshstoned, then I made a dwarf named mellowstoned, it was a good time.


My first character was a gnome warlock called Azzarath, didn’t realize how close the name was to the world until my brother mentioned it to me.

I’ve never been more disappointed in myself - I thought it was so original, but I must’ve heard the name once and thought it was amazing that I remembered it while creating my character.


I no longer have this toon. Gave the name to my daughter.


this one is my favorite. i like funny/clever that fits the class/race. and two memorable one i’ve remembered coming across are Castanova (mage) and Succubutts (Warlock.)

oh i’m pretty proud of my hunter’s pets, too. two corehounds named Haim and Feldman.


cute story!

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The funniest names are usually the most inappropriate or mean ones. Babypoop is one of my old character’s name. I like that one. Also, I have a character named PuffyFluffy. I also like that one too. And it’s not inappropriate or anything.


Semper Fi! :us:

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Just made a new lvl 1 paladin named Derrial. Looks just like Shepherd Book from Firefly. Who’s first name is Derrial. I was proud.

RIP. Mods deleting the hell out of posts in this thread.