Without getting too deep into definitions of good and evil (so using the more clearly defined roles common to most classic fantasy literature), what classes and specs are generally evil in WoW lore? Warlock? Death Knight? Maybe Shadow Priest? Or is it entirely up to the player’s vision for their character? What do you guys think?
Warlocks…that’s. I thought dk and shadow priest too, but apparently not in terms of lore.
Blood Elf Paladins (Have you seen their old epic mount questline?), Warlocks, Shadow Priests I would say. Possibly DK’s if they are actually being controlled by the Lich King secretly.
It honestly depends on how you look at it.
Scarlet Crusade: Paladins, Priests, Monks, Warrior, Mage
Sterotyped: Warlocks, Death Knights, Rogues
BFA: Revealed Kul Tirans poaching so Hunters are “evil”
WoD: Dark Shamans
Grimtotem Tribe: Warriors, Rogues
Twilight Cult: Literally every caster
I could go on for eons.
paladin’s, holy/disc priests, warlocks
Anything that uses the light, because as seen in legion with illidan and then later with the mag’har ally intro…the light is evil and almost certainly gonna be a big bad in a future expansion
warlocks are obvious
I guess DKs arent actually evil in lore, though I’d argue unholy DKs being more evil than the two other specs
Player vision…
Even the council of the black harvest had “good” warlocks in it
considering that the intro quests involve dks murdering innocent people and doing war crimes i can say we are not good noodles
Paladin and holy priest, shifty-eyed bunch. Be wary around them! Druids too, scratching up all the furniture without a care.
It’s really very personality based. Sure things like warlocks and shadow priests can be darker types using shady magic, but a tool is just a tool. How one uses their abilities, for good or evil or neither, varies by individual. There’d be benevolent warlocks out there just as there are evil paladins. It’s not always a black and white thing.
Rogues, no one should be stabbed in the back
humans have always been the most evil
Necromancy is the forbidden magic…
The stereotype of “evil” fits the warlock.
Back when I was finally allowed to make my own character (and having been drawn to horror, zombies, etc) I thought it’d be ultra spooky to be an undead warlock.
Plus, that cinematic of the undead lock scared tf out of me–and I knew it was for me.
Warlocks are pretty much the only class that I’d say are morally ambiguous at best. Even if their goals or intent is justifiable, fel magic demands questionable sacrifices to function
goblin shaman
Warlock, Death Knight, Shadow Priest, Demon Hunter, Ret Paladin
Why say paladin though?
Is it because they’re religious and that rubs you guys the wrong way?
Warlocks, Demon Hunters, Shaman to a point, and Death Knights are the most evil classes in the game.