What are the chances people are win trading at 2300?

I got to 2300 and there were so many sketchy games where it seemed like win trading was going on. I know it’s not rank 1, but what are the chances people are win trading to get their elite before season end?

Somewhere between 0% and 100% iirc


The chance is probably good, people are doing that all the way up the ladder. Solo and reg 3’s.

You’d have to be all the way to the left of the bell curve to think that people suddenly flip on the cheating at 2100+ or something like that. It’s everywhere b/c its efficient, plus end of season.

I guess the possibility exist, but I’d assume it’s still incredibly low. To make this even a little efficient, you would need multiple accounts que’ing at the same time. Beyond that though, you would need multiple accounts all que’ing at the same MMR range as the person you’re trying to boost. While the higher you go, the range of acceptable MMR matches probably increases, I’d still say it would be tough at 2300.

Just seems unrealistic, but who knows… might be some method I’m unaware of.

Wintrading is prevalent only in places where it’s easy to snipe games. Having to roll the dice over and over to get the match participants you want is not efficient

Bro I’ve run into people doing it at 1600-2200 every season I’ve finished.

Like in S4 SL I went 3-2 vs Petkick while he was fishing with a carry spriest @1750-1800.

Always funny to me when people have more of a problem with something bad being pointed out rather than the bad thing actually happening in the first place.

This is going to be one of those ‘agree to disagree’ things btw.

Are you saying shuffle was rated in season 4 sl
Edit: oh I misunderstood

Carrying isn’t win trading

Wintrading? I don’t believe that

What awful faith you speak in

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It is if you toss games to friends. I’m not friends with PK, they were actually trying but normally that one is 2500+ on every alt they have. Color me shocked when I see an alt that was at 2600 or some such a week before at 1800.

You don’t need to for me to know what I saw with my own eyes lol.

You appear to have serious issues with the application of critical thought and observance. It isn’t just me saying these things and people of all brackets from entry to multi glad/r1 say it’s happening. IDK what else to tell you.

Win trading is entirely and exclusively the practice of two or more players target queueing into a particular match so that one player can give the other undue rewards by throwing the game from the opposing side

Nobody who has more than one glad mount has ever said win trading exists below the ladder front page. Maybe you believed otherwise because you don’t know what win trading is

I do, and I think it’s hilarious that you’ve had to shift the goal post from ‘its not happening’ to ‘you don’t know what it is’ while saying I post in bad faith, while I also notice that you seem to know a hell of a lot about how this process works. You’re trying to come off as expert in it in point of fact. 10/10 brother.

You’re hilarious brother. Cheers.

Do you have a source for this?

You are a depressing person to consider real. I hope this is just weak trolling

One or two, guess you didn’t like me roasting your ‘argument’ in that other thread.

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PJQw6F1IAk

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TObCZB-bcU4

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb2DFBeU_K0

These aren’t specifically win trades, except the one with Supa. Just examples of people cheating. Leaving solo early is another form of cheating because people doing it are most often doing it to preserve mmr.

Hmm I don’t think three videos means its “everywhere”. Do you have a source to prove that?