What are the best Dungeons and Raids for Druids Transmogs?

I have been farming alot of old content since I got back to get mounts and mogs, but I haven’t really been focusing on any main raids or dungeons.

Should I? At there any specific raids or dungeons that have amazing gear for us Tree huggers?

Mythic nighthold is my personal favorite.

What drops from there that i should look for? That way I can make a list.

In game, go to the Xmogger, and look up sets. It’ll show you all the tiers and where to get them (for raids anywho)

I thought that only showed the ones you had already collected?

There may be a toggle on/off option for that. I know I’ve glanced through all tiers before and I haven’t gone out and collected a single one

Edit: iirc, it’ll also show you which pieces of the set you’ve collected as well

Oh wow. If that’s the case then I feel really dumb lol

The entire druid tier set.

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Tier 5 Druid set is my favorite set in the game.

Where do you get it from?

The Eye and Serpentshrine Cavern.