What are the AQ-looking mobs in The Barrens?

They drop decent gear and award some sort of rep, but what’s the story behind them? Any quests to complete with regards to their spawns?

They’re a Pshero jump scare.

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So hopefully no one trolls you they’re an event that happens when AQ opens it doors called the 48 hour war it was to farm rep for brood early and the 3 elites in the center usually drops blues and epics, it’s suppose to only last the 48 hours after the doors of AQ open but SOD has kept it going so far since beginning of this phase


It’s just from the AQ gates opening. They decided to leave the mobs there for the forseeable future.


Do you need to be 60 to farm these? I assume with a full group…

As a 23 shaman, I solo’d a lvl 20 elite and had to blow all cd’s and pot to survive. Took on a lvl 17, and it was better, but had to be paying attention. They hit really hard.