One of my favorites is Calamity’s Grasp (fist weapon, Kel’Thuzad, Naxx) because I love the rotating blade animation. Looks pretty sweet on a rogue with the right armor mogs, well done animation and design, and just a fun concept to me.
Another would be Taeshalach (two-handed sword, Aggramar, Antorus). Love the idea of a broken blade made whole by being half magical flame and Blizz pulled that one off pretty well. Looks wicked in combination with some black plate armor and Unstable Slag Shoulderplates on my BE pally.
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Lionheart Executioner is an all time great. I’d love to see a high rez update of it.
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I don’t think I’ve got that unlocked but looking at it I do kind of like it. An updated version would make it even better.
The 25M Heroic version of Glorenzelg, High Blade of the Silver Hand is one of my favorites.
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Demonslayers on my Death Knights.
Blackfang on Rogues
And Windrunner bows.
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Highlord’s pigsticker is probably my all time favourite along with grand marshal’s claymore
Huge fan of thunderfury/warglaives obviously, and
These are all simple, classic, but great weapon mogs. I admit that I’m partial to some of the flashier ones, but these are fantastic as well, and remind me of what feels like better times.
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I have this on my BDK that is decked out in red spikey armor.
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This is mine too. I have it on my DK. I wish I could put the blue one on my Warlock.
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Isn’t it freaking great? Best thing to come out of Legion and I liked that expansion. One of the best weapon designs in the history of the game imo, maybe the best.
The fish. Nothing like double fishing it.
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Great question, refreshing to see something different on this board for a change.
Mine would be
Armaments of the Silverhand ( 2 handers specifically )
Hammer of Naaru
Wolf slayer Sniper rifle
That Bow from WOD that was locked
Behind something I forgot the name. Looked like living woods, very natureish looking
7th legion Greatsword
Zoid’s firelit greatsword
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I use Legion legendaries as mogs most of the time
They really went all in on those designs
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I use the legion mage tower appearances on my characters.
I worked my butt off to unlock 36/36 of the things, so I am damn sure going to use them lol
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