What are some of the unwritten rules in WoW?

Unwritten rule I have seen and know is true: If your fellow player figures out a way to F*** you they will.

I heard Bill Cosby isn’t actually in Prison, he’s in the basement of the Goldshire Tavern on Moonguard

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Are Hunter pets even that important anymore? they all seem to have the same lame abilities and nothing really special

It’s not what they do so much as how they look for a huge number of people. Others treat them like PokĂ©mon. Just because all Spirit Beasts do the same thing doesn’t mean I don’t want all of them anyway!

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I suppose eh, I just remember in Wrath when they could tame Elite beasts and they were actually hard to kill! 
I wish those days returned

If your a warlock and in a group, it should be the 1st thing you do is DROP YOUR CANDY BUCKET. Same for mages and tables. When I do pug content as a raid leader, I kick mages/locks if they start attacking anything without dropping a bucket/table. That is literally the only reason you are here, be grateful I don’t remove you AFTER we use your stuff.

I wish that were still the case, Blizz are just as bad as Bobby boy now at this point. #firebobbykotick

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Mankrik’s wife will never be found.

There’s always a poop quest.

Elevator boss deaths are the best.

Stand to the side of dragons and for the love of Metzen, face the boss away from the raid!


Being polite and respectful used to be one of them could not do much with out them. I miss how close our community’s used to be.

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Corehounds needed to be skinned for fire resist gear back in MC.

Don’t talk in pugs.

Thought it was barrens chat


I’ve got two:

-If I’m doing a pickpocket circuit, after 5-10 mobs, I go back and kill them so they will repop for other rogues.

-On non-skinner characters, I always try to remember to loot the kill.

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Omg I know that is the rudest thing ever when someone does that

Watch the tail!

Don’t click ready on the ready check unless you’re actually ready to pull.

Another one everyone fails at 15 years later.

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I resemble this remark and will defend with my life your right to say it!

My Holy Priest forgets it has fortitude :wink: It was weird that it once did not. Getting her out, messing around again, she even forgets to cast it on herself.

Here’s one I doubt was mentioned. I will write it in reverse though. Any caster with knockbacks, when you are in a instance don’t use the knockback until the melee blow their cooldowns and great ready for a big melee aoe attack on mobs and then knock them all out of reach.

Worgen are lootable now? Nice!