What are some of the older ore or bars

what are some of the older ore or bars of materials
that still possibly sell good
it doesnt have to be lot gold
but just little

The market for old mats varies. Don’t close your mind to any possibilities. Anything might sell, depending on the market. So you should try a bit of everything, and see what you enjoy farming, and what sells fast.

For serious AH work, people use TradeSkillMaster, but that will be too complicated for just selling mats. But I do suggest you use Auctionator addon to make listing and cancelling auctions faster and easier.

Keep an eye on global prices


I haven’t farmed old ores for a few years, but as I recall from then

Ghost Iron
Fel Iron and some Adamantite

were the main ones that sold pretty reliably.

Then there was


and if you are in that business, try farming some Volatiles

Volatile Air
Volatile Fire
Volatile Earth
Volatile Water

Also Motes/Spirits of Harmony

If you go to Wowhead for each of these AND READ THE COMMENTS, you will get ideas for where best to find them. Volatile Air is best farmed by running through Vortex Pinnacle dungeon on Noemal Difficulty 10 times an hour.