What are some classic streamers you enjoy?

play a lot of classic lately and thought why not. i dont dabble in twitch but i thought it would it be fun to watch peeps play classic while i play classic.

The main Classic YouTubers I follow sometimes stream - WillE, Madseasonshow, hirumaredx, Platinum WoW, Metagoblin etc.

the only wow streamer i watch is cdew and monkeynews, but i cant watch monkeynews long cuz often he does nothing and ignores chat, but cdew is the boy


plays rogue and shadow priest, very chill, a lot of wpvp
he also uploads videos on youtube almost daily, very funny and chill streamer

There’s a relatively unknown streamer I occasionally watch who goes by the name Asmongold if I remember correctly.

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He doesn’t stream Classic

Executus gaming, he also has a youtube channel he mainly plays pvp with every class

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I think his name is Hasmoregold. If I remember correctly he picked because of his minions funneling gold to him so he can play easy mode.


pretty much what this guy said. I enjoy their content. and they’re pretty chill people