What are Sins of holy priest

I was wondering what was common mistake of holy priest as I am new healing, holy and priests and how to avoid them both in dungeon and raids

The few I can think of:

  • Casting Prayer of Healing
    • The only time Prayer of Healing gets cast is in raid to reset Holy Word: Sanctify, and it’s only done then when under the effect of Prayer circle, and even then it’s generally only done when you’ve got apotheosis.
  • Holding onto Guardian Spirit to “save” someone from death.
    • GS gets used as a healing buff. This is great for the tank in small groups to boost their own self healing and your healing to them. Generally it’s used as an external CD to boost your own healing massively, or in raid when you have to heal up an NPC since it boosts ALL healing on the target. Use it often on any target you need to priority heal.
  • Hard Casting Renew often
    • Most of the time, your renews should come from benediction. You can keep one rolling/precast between pulls, but in combat this is one of the least mana efficient spells and it’s very slow healing.
  • Holding onto Holy Words too long.
    • Generally if you’ve got capped stacks of holy words and you’re casting heal/flash heal then you’re screwing up. Use your holy words.
  • Not casting enough Prayer of Mending (and Circle of Healing if you took it)
    • This is somewhat raid fundamentals, but these two spells should be cast off CD in raid. In 5man, you should be casting them as close to their CD as your globals permit (meaning: don’t use PoM if someone’s about to die/under pressure - holy words and ST heals for that - but when you’ve recovered and/or damage is low, keep tossing it at the tank).

^^^^^ yeah this pretty much covers it. Well done. No notes.

What is prayer circle?

A talent which reduces the cost/cast time of Prayer of Healing. It’s in the choice node under Circle of Healing.