What are Halaa Battle tokens used for?

I have 300 Halaa Battle Tokens and 100 Halaa Research Tokens and no idea where to go to use them. Any help on this issue please? I read you can buy a War Talbuk but can’t find where at.

there is a vendor at Halaa , some gear , weapons a mount if I remember right, all TBC stuff though , very out dated, your faction has to occupy Halaa to use the vendor. Old Nagrand

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There’s an NPC vendor in Nagrand for each faction that sells those.

/moo :cow:

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Depending on which faction controls Halaa you can use the tokens there to get mounts and equipment and stuff. It’s a PvP thing though so if the town’s owned by the other faction you’ll need to flag and slaughter the guards and capture the town to use the vendors. I recall back in BC it was always in a state of conflict some days that using the tokens was hard to do but lucky for me I was able to walk in, buy the mounts, and walk out without too much issue. If I recall right the token vendor hangs out near one of the bridges but wish you luck all the same.