What are good Undead looking pets for a Dark Ranger type Hunter?

Still debating if I’m going regular farstrider or Dark Ranger for my Hunter here but I’d at least like to keep my options open. Any good looking undeadish pets that are useful for dungeons?

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Quest pretty much in any Forsaken lore zone and you’re bound to find oodles.

Or just anything from Maldraxxus


Why does a dark ranger need an undead pet?

I use a darkhound on my dark ranger since it’s what the dark rangers in Silverpine Forest use (I think it’s that zone.). He’s MM tho so I rarely have it out. If it’s a lust pet that’ll be useful in dungeons when you need a lust.

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Some folks just like to have a theme with pets and hunters

( The joys of them having way more options than us Locks. Salty? What? Never heard of her. )


None. Dark rangers dont use pets, they are MM with a dark arrow skill. But if you wanna pretend to be something like Nathanos as a undead, use undead dogs. Thats it really.

Dark Hounds
Each time Black Arrow deals damage, you have a chance to manifest an undead hound to charge your target and deal Shadow damage.

Thank you for the suggestions everyone.

Sylvanas literally uses pets, They’re called Banshees and Valkyr

Thats more of a summon then a pet. And they are limited, she ran out of val’kyr too.

Phew, this topic is deader then I am. Anyway on the concept of Dark Rangers using pets. Take it up with Blizzard. They insisted that the Hero Talent tree for Dark Rangers be shared with Marksmanship and Beast Mastery.


Sylvans had Nathanos. :slight_smile:


There’s zombie bears in the zone around Undercity.

Since Dark Rangers from WC3 summon skeletons, I would go with anything skeletal (for accuracy.)

These come in several colors:

Two colors:


Huh… and here I was thinking of just settling for the Darkhounds. Now I just need the undead taming book.

or abandon the idea of the Dark Ranger as it doesn’t seem to be the greatest spec and go back to Red Farstrider Blood Elf with a couple Lynxes from Hallowfall.

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Best for pet shopping and making your hunter themes.

My Dark Hunter uses the gargon stone hounds from Revendreth.

I use:

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I know this may come as a shock to many, but WoW is by its very nature…and you may want to sit down for this…

…a role-playing game.

No, really! In your particular case, when you log onto this character, you are play acting the part of an elf whose tragic life has led them to become an Illidari.

Even if you don’t further expand your game experience by indulging in deeper role-play, every one of us is still ‘stepping into the shoes’ of someone we are not. Is it really so hard to understand that some of us collect pet and mount appearances that enhance the RP experience? Even you indulge in a bit of transmog-ing to improve your character’s look.

P.S. Well, it looks like I got suckered into participating in a necro. Oh well.

As others mentioned, Infernal Hellhounds or the Soulseekers from the Maw work well too thematically imo…