What are ele shamans right now

This is every game for me. All I face these days is some demo/ele wizard cleave, boomy dh, or dh/dk. Disgusting

Don’t believe that logic holds up any longer. Did in the past for sure, but seasons are much more contained now. Overall stats are comparable from season to season.

For some specs it might be.

Ret 4 set is bugged down to 8% amp in finisher should be 12.5% (half of 25%) our 4 set is effectively nurfed by 68% rather than typical 50%. 4 set adds about 2% to our overall damage but we give up mastery/verse to get it so it’s a wash in damage output and you take more damage due to less vers. 2 set seems to add a few % but even that isn’t clearly worth it as you give up Verse and Mastery. It amps expurg and judgement but every other ability does less damage due to the loss of priority stats.

At most ret set is adding ~3% all of which comes from 2 set, and you take more than 3% increased damage to take it. If it added 10% and you took 5% more damage it might be worth. As it is you take way more damage than you gain by taking it.

Lvladen did some PTR testing and his testing showed our overall damage is HIGHER without any set bonuses. Since the 4 set doesn’t scale correctly our finishers hit harder with all CDs used without a bonus that is supposed to amp finisher damage. Lvladen found it added 100 damage in a 4 ability rotation compared to verse/mastery gear. 25 damage per ability ----> lol. Even with ability damage variance it’s still almost nothing.

Even if his testing was imperfect, it’s a tiny percentage increase at best, with a loss of verse. Vanguards has his 4 set and is less than impressed.

Less damage or the same damage output overall, with lower top end damage, so you can take more damage. C/mon Blizzard…

In PvE it’s worth, in PvP not so much.

I agree, buff ele

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If you can do damage. Most matches are nothing but melee lobbies and you really don’t have anything to keep them away. Static field totem, unleash shield, earthgrab totem, and thunderstorm. Guess what melee is back on you before you can do anything. And it’s pretty easy to die while stunned even with astral shift on you’re still dead. For elemental shaman to be a “glass cannon” we have the glass not so much the cannon compared to other specs.

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Ele really needs to have its mobility globals taken off the gcd. It feels awful to spend all your globals trying to kite, usually to no avail vs double melee. Their leap ability needs to move faster too.

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I agree, buff ele

Earth grab

Relocate Static Field

Frost Shock root


Unleash Shield knockback



Cap Totem

Ghostwolf Snare removal


just got hit for 5 lava bursts in 1 global, this is like s1 all over again dh and ele making the game unfun

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DH/DK/WAR/BM there fixed it for ya!

You lucky basta**s who got 4pc. Don’t get ele tier nerfed before I get a chance to do 3x the dmg of a freecasting aff lock!


lol! Got my 4pc this week and it’s insane. As much dmg and output as I was doing the healers still managed to keep up. Needless to say I was the Focus target for everything.

Ele is pretty balanced, it’s just all good playas play the spec. Beep boop.

Solid bait