What animal would you like for a new race in WoW?

YES!!! Ferrets would be amazing!

Tbh I forgot about those. Not lion enough for me though.

They are more like leopards.

Do they come in blue, silver, black and grey?

We have tons of dragons already.

Good thing those are coming in Shadowlands!

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Some kind of mutant capybara

Skunk would work at this point given how you have to unlock new races since there really isn’t good game play content to keep people playing.

I would say raccoon, but there are already raccoon people in northrend, so… Giraffe people.

The Wolvar are wolverine people, not racoons!

We need racoons! and playable ones!


Oooh then Raccoon people please!

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Ion would like to steal your location.

Go play Nintendo. Seriously

Saberon with long, flowing manes.

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A lizard man race is needed.

Engineer raccoons capable of flying spaceships! Sweet.

Yeah, Ankoan even.

They’d have such fun names you could make:


Magikarp (carp, various misspellings. )

There is a Pokemon Fish named “Freebas” as well, but my guess is that would hit filters (being too close to a form of drug use.)


Reminds me of a werewolf movie that had werewolf marsupials so they were kangaroo themed. Including how marsupials give birth.

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Lamprey or leech. Some kind of sentient parasite.

Pandas or foxes or wolves or cow or turtles!

Saberon for horde. Bandicoots are cute, too.