What Alliance race for fury warrior?

Starting fresh and looking for opinions of which race to pick for warrior.

I’m pretty new to Alliance so I picked Human by default. I was okay with Human at first because they looked cool with a sword and shield in low levels. As soon as I hit 11 though, and equipped two 2h swords, I really began souring on the aesthetic.

I’m very into transmog and badass aesthetic and I still haven’t found a combination that doesn’t look ridiculous on him. The weapons are mostly too big and the gripping/battle animations leave a lot to be desired.

Another small pet peeve is how the humans run. Again, it looks okay when I have a sword and shield, but looks terrible with two 2 handers. I have no interest in playing Protection or Arms, so it’s gotta be Fury.

I’m only level 18, so I’m thinking of rerolling when I get home from work. I’m leaning towards Night Elves or Dark Iron Dwarves (despite them being short).

What do y’all think? I’m lost :sweat_smile:


“Dwarf” is the only answer to “What race should I play?” that matters, unless you want to play Druid, Demon Hunter, or Evoker, in which case the answer is “Don’t play that class, play a class where you can be a Dwarf.”


Draenei. I’m not biased at all. :3

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worgen for allaince


Dwarves can remove all dots including m+ affixes.

Humans can remove stuns such as the thundering debuff & a few mobs in m+ have stuns.

Night elves have a racial feign death that can cancel dangerousbtargetted abilities such as fenryr leap.

Gnomes can remove roots.

Mecha gnomes have cheat death & main stat buff.

Pandas have double stat buff from food.

You left The Horde for those twinkle toes?


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Gf wants to play Alliance. It is what it is.
I’m Horde main for life

Dwarf or Worgen.

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Either Dwarf easily.

Dwarf, Male Draenei, Worgen or, at best, Night Elves. Mostly males, I feel female fury warriors dual wielding gigantic 2h swords bigger than them look funny. :sweat_smile:

Female pandaren have the best dual wielding animations in the game imo. Perfect for fury warrior.

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dwarf or worgen, for sure. if you must be alliance, you should go with the best races…

i hate to admit i like my mecha though. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Human or dark iron dwarf.


Worgen. The roars alone.

You left the Horde. The rules say you must now play only Gnomes.

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This one gets it

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Night Elf or Draenei.

Diaper gnome

Racial-wise, dwarf (regular or DI) or night elf (PvE)
Aesthetically, human female has great animations and a good rig for mogs :partying_face:

Illidan did not hang out with dwarves. No dwarf demon hunters.

On topic: OP seems to like being an angry orc so would have to be something angry. That would be worgen or maybe dwarves, they are by far the angriest Alliance races.