What alignment is your main?

Definitely lawful good. My alt pally tauren is more lawful neutral.

My rogue is chaotic good, my paladin is lawful evil.

He was neutral good.

But this little eyeball on his head is telling him to burn down Stormwind and drop a mana bomb on Org.

I’m chaotic good, I huck rolls of pennies at poor people in stormwind or use a blunderbuss to deliver coins as fast as possible to those that need them most on my hunter.

I’d say neutral good, even though others may view me as lawful good for remaining loyal to the warchief. I dunno about that in patch 8.2, where i’d probably be forced to change my character’s opinion because of the whole horde being dumbed down to compensate for baine’s atrocities.

I haven’t figured it out yet, but i’ll be hanging alongside chaotic good characters in 8.2 because of that. So stuff to consider.

Lawful Nuetral.

I like to fix the Worgen problem. What can I say?

Chaotic neutral, an undead tauren. She still holds honor but she will do some questionable things. Like raising the dead for starters.

Dripik here would be classified as “Chaotic Stupid”. “Serving auntie Sylvie and being paid a few gold coins to run around setting things on fire for fun? Sounds like a dream job to me!”

Pizza (Pie) Chart, not withstanding… And no, I don’t want Mac & Cheese on my pizza…

Lawful evil. His loyalties are with alliance first, because principles and also because he does not remember who he is and he thinks that taking Gilneas will help him regain a bit of his identity.

So I used to have a friend that loved picking on this one… by playing a paladin of slaughter. Basically a holy warrior dedicated to killing things and people. This was technically legal because while paladins must be lawful good, they may serve Neutral deities… and slaughter was true neutral. This was also complicated because according to the tenets of their deity anyone who didn’t conduct at least one ‘sacrifice’ a day was not innocent.

Well… and like that i became a mix of lawful good and lawful evil.

Does that mean she’s lawful neutral in the end?

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Not sure, do you have garlic?

Garlic dipping sauce.

Perhaps lawful tasty, but the garlic must be on the pizza apparently for Lawful neutral according to that chart.

TBF Lawful Neutral is more generic Cheese not NY style pie.

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100% lawfully tasty.

Tho it’s a shame, supreme and veggie pizza is amazing. To be forced to be bland with no accent tastes is a shame :sob:.

My main could be described as evil as the angry teenager who wears lots of black makeup, who is mad at their parents for making them clean their room, and tries to summon the devil every third Wednesday every other month but it doesn’t work because they are scared of the sight of blood.

Pretty evil.

Edit - my main also has a chain wallet, so yeah.

I wouldn’t say a NY style pie is bland by any means, it’s actually exquisitely tasty. The bread matters more than the focaccia like stuff you get at the major chains. The sauce is deep and has good flavor and the cheese does too.

While true, I’m just not a fan of just cheese pizza. In fact it grosses me out to think I’m consuming all this cheese without anything else other than sauce/ bread.

Lawful Neutral with slightly more tendacies for good but his focus on maintaining the laws of his people and only follows laws of the horde if his chieftain is in support of the horde.