dang it.
A wise hunter investigates all options before entering battle. This hunter would like to make sure he is doing his part in the slaughter. Zagg wants to become powerful Goblin.
Jokes aside I am just curious to see whats all out there.
I use about 70 addons. All are necessary to make the game playable for me. Iâll list them one day.
ElvUI is always going to be a bit more feature heavy due to the nature of it.
But playing around on the beta and the DF baseline UI is pretty good. Iâm seriously considering dropping ElvUI and just using default profile to free up a bit of memory and not have to update it every other week.
Just to follow up on this, weakauras is by far the most powerful addon in the game, BUT it doesnât do anything by itself unless you create or import weakauras to do things. Weakauras can do pretty much anything, but I wouldnât suggest it for somebody just starting with addons.
Tomtom is my must have, altoholic is a blessing for someone with lots of alts and crafters. I found Handynotes really useful.
I got details purely to give me a clue on the dps my toons were doing. Someday i will explore all it can do.
Healbot for my healer, mostly because my friend prefers that one too.
I have tried others but I donât make the time to really learn them and soon ignore or delete them.
With the new UI, if they donât make the icons larger, will be looking for an addon to make the game playable for me.
QuestPlates was the most valuable for me. Canât live without it.
Elvui is s a must have
TomTom for sure
Silver Dragon rare scanner, for me, is much better than handynotes or any of the other rare trackers and I tried them all. If customized right itâs all you need for rares, treasures and all that stuff.
NPCtime is nice to have for a mount collector if you understand the science.
I have:
Advanced Interface Options
Kalielâs Tracker
Quest Completionist
All the Things
Masque: Darion
World Quest Tracker
Weak Auras
Venture Plan
And thatâs after skimming the fat a few days ago.
While I agree that WA is a bit of a beast of an addon compared to everything else, you shouldnât be intimidated by it.
Just treat it as an addon program within an addon.
Just like how you donât need to know lua to use DBM, you donât need to know how to make a weakaura to use the addon itself. Not when you can go to wago.io
and theres a zillion already made weakauras.
I used to use Elvui but went back to the default UI because of framerate and slow logging in speeds.
As an altoholic, Altoholic (the addon) is amazing.
- Glass: Makes your chat box clear and fades in and out. Fades back in when anyone whispers or talks around you.
- Autovendor: Cleans your bags 12 items at a time (you can just keep reopening the vendor window to keep vendoring more items) and is a clever vendor addon to clear out your bags instead of clicking on items to sell one by one.
- Buttonforge: Lets you add more action bars than the standard in-game ones so you can drag your favorite mounts and toys (and any other item that can be dragged to your action bar).
All of these addons are customizable.
Note for Autovendor: If you have any of the teleport cloaks, go to your chat box and type the command : â(item name) notjunkâ
You can go to Glassâ settings and decide how long it takes for it to fade in or out.
Note for Button forge: You can customize the size and location of each extra action bar and drag it around on your screen so that itâs not cluttering your screen.
This is what mine looks like and you can turn off and back on again to keep your screen clean (I wish my extra action bars had the option to fade in and out to keep my screen cleaner).
In about a month, ask âwhat did you used to use?â.
It looks like addons that I rely on like bartender and altoholic might be part of the new UI. Same with Move Anything. Saving different versions of our UIs and being able to change depending on circumstance will be huge.
The other question, in about a month, is âhow many of your addons are broken?â.
This was very thorough and I am looking forward to investigating it further when home. Thank you!
Oh I know. But in the meantime it will be fun to learn some of it. Can always relearn later if I need to.
Bartender: lets me customize and position action bars
EasyFrames: a simple lightweight addon that makes the unit frame health and resource bars bigger as opposed to the comically slim default health bars. Also allows for class colored health bars.
Grid2: mostly for healing, lets me customize party and raid frames
Total Roleplay 3 (TRP3): a roleplay addon that lets you make a detailed character profile. You can customize your characterâs name, title, race, class, and other aspects. This profile replaces the mouseover tooltip for your character, and youâll be able to see the character profile for anyone else who has the addon installed.
One of the best Professions suites out there and (even if you're not into crafting/goldmaking) make a ton of information easily accessible.
Wonderful in so many ways.
The way macros should have worked from the get go.
Really helps decrease UI clutter. Plus, all the extensions of M6 to boot.
Either set is required to properly customize your actionbars and unit frames.
I know this doesn't have the same sort of following as Bagon or other inventory management addons, but it's flexibility and ability to make use of TSM's groups, make it the best, IMO.
Farmhud . Great for farming and keeping track of players when youre healing in 5 mans
Gathermate2. Farming again.
Auctionator. Nice because it can easily show you the crafting cost of whatever if you have the AH window open so you dont have to do the math yourself.
Betterwardrobe. Mogs. Thats my thing.
Mogit. Mogs againâŠ
Handynotes. Lots of helpful info.