What add-on functionality should be baseline?

Simple question: What add-on functionality should be baseline?

This is nothing against add-ons, but some are so ubiquitous among players that it seems that Blizzard should consider adding this functionality into the default UI whenever feasible.

I’ll start with my list:

  • TomTom

This add-on is very nearly required for achievement hunters and collectors. Often you can look at Wowhead and find a map pin telling you where an item is, but if you’re looking for spawn locations that may have a dozen or more map points, you really need multiple in-game map pins for this. TomTom fits this need perfectly, and it’s been a great add-ons. I would humbly suggest that Blizzard extends the default map pin functionality to include multiple pins able to be set via console command, just like TomTom does with /way (coordinates).

  • Cast Bar Enhancements

Add-ons such as Quartz, Gnosis, or full UI replacements like ElvUI all have their own take on what the cast bar should be. However, all of them have some common elements that the default UI really should have (and to be fair, the new UI cast bar is much better than the original one).

I would like to see an option for the default bar to show total cast time, and not just time remaining. This is important to know, especially when you have haste procs changing total cast times. Blizzard has taken steps toward this (such as including the time remaining as an option), but they still don’t include total cast time. It seems like a really easy feature to add.

Another enhancement, and granted, this is more of a stylistic wish (it’s not critical), would be more cast bar color options. Allow us to color-theme the cast bar! Class colors would be nice, or even perhaps color-coding the bar by spell school or ability type.

There is a lot more they could do with cast bar theming, but that’s a basic idea. The cast bar is just so ubiquitous. Everyone in the game spends so much time staring at it. It’s a critical part of the UI.

  • Other QoL Enhancements

There are a bunch of things that many players use small add-ons for to just enhance their gameplay quality of life. Examples of this are add-ons which unlock all windows for moving, give more detailed information about equipped gear, listing M+ ratings, better FPS and latency indicators, or better currency trackers. These are just some examples. I’m sure many folks have their own lists.

My goal is not to request bloating in the default UI, but simply to strive to present as much information (optionally) as possible while still being relatively efficient.

  • Better Buff/Debuff/Proc Tracking in the HUD

This one probably speaks for itself, but of course I’m referring to the functionality of WeakAuras and others that help the player see what the UI should be displaying more clearly front-and-center.

The default UI has made great strives on this in the last few years, but there is more work to be done. Any critical combat buff or proc should be displayed in the HUD clearly so that we can act upon it, rather than having to search around the buff bar (Arcane’s Clearcasting stack count is a good example of this).

Anyway, I realize that there will always be a need for add-ons for those who like specific niche or technical functionality that Blizzard doesn’t want to provide (for whatever reasons). I think meters are a great example of this. I don’t foresee them ever adding any kind of default meter in, simply because it’s not critical to gameplay unless you optional want to seek-out that information.

However, I do think that it’s important to list ideas and let the devs know what we players think should be added as baseline features.

I realize that we should always be wary of feature creep and bloat, but in my opinion, I would rather have small features that most players use added as a baseline options rather than feeling compelled to find many different add-ons for them.

What do you guys think?

They should make battle pet breeds visible in the default pet journal.

They make the breed available to the REST API outside the game but not in the journal or in-game API and it’s been a gripe of mine for a long time.

To get the breed for a pet out of game, a web app can just call an API for a user’s collection and done.

To get the breed for a pet in game, an addon has to reverse engineer what breed it is from its stats using huge tables of known base stats and then guess which one best fits based on the base stats adjust for the pet’s species, level and rarity. For level 1 pets (when someone is most likely looking for a specific breed to level) the estimate can be off due to not enough levels to create a unique best fit. And new pets need new base stats added every content update.

Ooh, that’s a good one!

Yeah, I used to use the Pet Tracker add-on when I was doing more pet battles and it was essential in some cases (particularly for the MoP pet battles on the Timeless Isle) to know what breed of pets you’re using.

I realize that pet battles are something which seems to have dropped in priority over the years, but I think pet battlers are a pretty dedicated and loyal base of players.

Any UI tweaks that can help provide more info for pet collections would be a great addition.

I would say “none, if they can’t do as good a job as the addons they replace.”

Which has been “never”, so far.

Would love a function to control which types of items show up in the loot toasts. I don’t need or want a toast for every grey my chars loot. If anything I really only want to see them for quest items.

If anyone has an addon solution for this lemme know.

So, I was doing a project last evening in-game that really underscored a need for another baseline feature, and one that really doesn’t get brought-up very often:

  • In-game lore/book journal

I was reading-through the entire Firim in Exile stack of texts before vendoring them along with a good deal of other lore texts.

I rather enjoyed taking the few minutes to go through and read (or re-read) everything before reclaiming the precious bag space.

However, it occurred to me that it sure would be nice to be able to read anything I’ve ever picked-up or completed via quest or achievement without having to to go Wowhead to look it up. (To say nothing about books or lore materials we’ve completely forgotten about.)

A new add-on has been brought to my attention which does this exact thing, it’s called Lorekeeper.

I would love to see this functionality added into the default UI so that players can look-up any in-game text they’ve ever read.

P.S. – A note about replacing add-ons with built-in features:

I realize that it often seems like a backhanded compliment to praise the features of a particular add-on while at the same time asking for those features to be incluced in the UI, thereby possibly obsoleting the original add-on.

However, I have always seen inclusion of features (such as the AH rework a few years back, or consolidated bags in the new UI) as the ultimate form of flattery to the add-on community. A feature becomes so popular that Blizzard includes it in the game.

I would ask that add-on developers and fans therefore do not take offense at requests to have their features included in the default UI. It’s not that I want to see these add-ons go away, but simply I would like to see their features honored and recognized by Blizzard as worthy of the baseline game experience.

And on that note, I would like to add a special shout-out to another add-on I’ve recently been testing: Voodoo Casting Bar.

This developer seems to be in exact alignment with what I want to see in the new default castbar. They have used the new UI artwork and created a cast bar which includes all of the features I’ve requested here and elsewhere. It’s really awesome and I highly recommend folks who would like to try a cast bar experience closer to Blizzard’s default art style try it out. If enough people like it, maybe some of these features can get baked into the default someday.

Stealing this one from the EU forums:

the auction stuff. I like that it pulls the general pricing from the listings so you dont have to search it all manually to list something.