What accent do you think Dracthyr will have

To be fair, i fell asleep on the couch lol

Hmm accent for drakthyr… how about australian?

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Ha ha I was aboot to say the same thing…


I say make them Canadian.


Queen’s english.

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Connery or more of the 12th Doctor?

You’re so against these dragons and I love it lol.


thats creepy kinda sounds like some of the lizard people stories you hear out of southern California or New Mexico, but yes i do understand what you meant as in everyone has our voice and it creeps me out lol


I can just see chat when they’re speaking in their own language: “Hurda howda hinda hinda.”


I hope it’s a Greenlandic or Iceland accent, the home of ice and fire… where you would expect dragon people to live, I don’t feel Australian as a home of a dragon people…


That is but they are kinda onto something.

That would be interesting.

He posted Russian flag. Only units from StarCraft have that accent.

WHat I never got.

N’zoth, speaks more american. most void entities we meet, american.

so where did the void elves get the British from?

Was watching BBC tv part of the mind control on the rock? You will watch this all the less than great dr who’s till we break you!

PLease, please mercy! Give us Tom baker episodes.

Not until you are good boys and girls.

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I hope they sound like southsiders.

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judging by the dance

a flamboyant accent

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I’m impressed. Last time I tried to talk about accents it got reported and 404’d. :thinking:

I think they’ll do posh English just because it seems to be the go-to for fantasy dragons.


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Wait is their a dance revealed somewhere?

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More interested in what their flirt lines are going to be. Just begging to insert a dragon ‘riding’ joke in there somewhere…

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