What about my pet?

oh please.

achievements didn’t even exist when this pet was originally added to the game :stuck_out_tongue:

(it’s weird how you called someone a noob, but keep making weird statements which sound like you’re not the original account holder of the account you’re playing on)

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It doesn’t make any difference…

An achievement doesn’t just mean an in-game achievement. Touch grass, it is an actual word lol.

No. Homogenization for all. Players wanted everything that everyone else had, so now you get it.

[quote=“Marstone-illidan, post:30, topic:1644056”] but you could tell who really played PvP if they had one.

I’m not calling you a liar because I honestly don’t remember (because it’s been quite awhile, obviously lol), but I know I got this pet on my low level Dwarf Hunter at the time.

Yes, it was on an old account, and no I probably can’t prove it unless the armory is updated… one sec, let me look. Nope, doesn’t even show characters on that account. /SIgh. Anyway…

My point is, I don’t remember it being that hard? I just remember playing some like lvl 30 WSGs and getting the tabard and pet? I think I got it on my lowbie NE Priest too, but I can’t remember for sure.

Anyway, I did play a lot back then, but I really didn’t recall it as some insane crazy level PVP grindy achievement.

What value? Did someone offer you $1,000 USD for that pet ever? Did you feel better than other players because you spam queued WSG for a few days? Like, I don’t think having this pet is as big a deal as you think it is. It only signifies you played in 2008.

I mean gratz, I guess? Idk.

I’ll give you more merit for that one since that was an actual hard achievement. But personally? Eh, I wouldn’t care. I don’t place my self-worth on things I’ve acquired in a video game, so I really don’t care how many people get the Brawler’s Guild mount, or Galleon’s mount, or a Spectral Tiger, or whatever other rare things I have and worked for.

Different strokes for different folks. But I do think it’s selfish to want to keep things rare for the sake of feeling exclusive / superior to others, but especially so if it’s something that wasn’t a testament of skill / work like this pet.

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Nope. My point is if its something small like this what’s stopping them from an actual hard achievement

I mean… There has been CASH stuff and expan preoder stuff already put on. So IDK why you’re suddenly so shocked and confused.

yes, it’s an actual word.
…but context is also a word.

perhaps “accomplishment” may have been more appropriate.
(not that it was much of an accomplishment, it was a matter of winning bgs until the thing was obtained)
it was just a matter of playing the game at the time it was available, and participating in the activity which gave the reward.

I want steamroller mount for tenders.

Nothing, but idk, I do think PVP Glad mounts in particular are probably off the table. I feel like there’s a set of unwritten rules, and I don’t think they’ll cross that boundary. I could be wrong, but I have a feeling they’d be scared to do that.

But as far as things like Black and Plague proto-drakes, I mean those are already on sale at the BMAH. And Blizzard has stated before that it was a mistake to make them limited time. So I think we can maybe expect things like that to pop up. Or even AotC mounts.

AotC wasn’t really an achievement anyway. People just paid for carries (I did lawl) to get the shiny mount. So it was like … yep, 20k to 200k depending on expansion. Wow, great accomplishment on my part. XD So eh, if it comes to the Trading Post, it’s not going to be that much different than people like me already walking around with it anyway.

Or, you know, people who bought things on the BMAH.

I mean even the Glad mounts … people can just pay for carries for those too.

The pixels really don’t mean that much. I wouldn’t stress too much over what someone has or doesn’t.

black proto drake isnt on bmah, never has been

Ah, first google result said it was. But people of WoWhead say otherwise. Interesting.

Still Plagued has been up there. So I wonder if that’s a oversight on Blizzard’s part since Plague was harder to obtain. You’d think if they were going to exclude one, it’d be the hard one? /Shrug.

Either way, buying carries and BMAH was the start of this phenomenon. Trading Post just means people who don’t buy gold or play the AH like a job can get the stuff too. It’s just another branch of the same tree.

Idk Man, I just don’t see it as that big of a deal. But I’ve seen enough arguments on the OW forums to know you’re not alone. My personal bias thinks it’s selfish, but in the end it’s just an opinion.

Kind of interesting how it evenly split the community is on this on OW, but it seems to be more one-sided here. Kinda weird, I actually expected more people to agree with you from previous examples of this type of take.

You have the tabard and achievement.

If this was true, the Scepter of the Shifting Sands would show up on the BMAH or the shop.

This was me. I didn’t care then for companion pets - and still really don’t. So it was discarded like that poor hamster in that simpsons scene where the veterinarian couldn’t resuscitate it. You know the one. With the basketball net above the trash can.

I don’t care if people obtain items that I obtained back then. The intangible memories are the most important aspect for me - though I don’t speak for everyone.

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Go into the game and find people who want to know by typing “/who cares” It’ll then print out a list of them in your chat so you can tell them.

Wear the tabard as well.

It is a strange development, that Blizz on the one hand removes all kinds of drops and achievements from this game if we talk raiding, mythic or class content like Mage Tower and skins, but on the other hand brings back long time achievements of special events in the past like the one of the Olympics in 2008.

I personally, would have zero issues with raid drops or mage tower, class sets from legion coming back, it was stupid to remove them anyways.
But there should be stuff that remains holy and secret, simply because it was a special promotion and not actual content in an expansion.

So content removal → bad,
having special events ->good

if we talk about making those exclusive to those playing at the time.

No way!
Anyway, when do you think they will add chainmail bikini’s?

RIP whom ever got the name “Cares”…

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