What about my pet?

Be honest
Everyone forgot about this pet the year of the event.


I’ve played this game for 13 years. I literally never heard of it until yesterday.


No, most online games have time sensitive cosmetics and such. They are plenty of new players who’ve never even seen items like the spirit of competition, so it’s cool for them to get it back. Nothing is sacred and nothing will ever be in a game like WoW. I’m in the camp of bringing everything back. I know some items they won’t, but plenty they will and should.


Game came out in 2004, pet was part of a battleground achievement/reward as well as a tabard, in 2008, I think Wrath?

15 years ago, and no, people didn’t forget because this was a very rare thing up until recently lol. You got a tabard for it, too, it was all to celebrate the Olympics in China.

Honestly, I’m more pissed off they didn’t make new people PvP for it like we had to, instead they put it on a vendor, laaame.

how much did you actually care about this, if you didn’t even know you already had a FoS for it?

There’s a lot of rare things that I actually know about. Spirit of Competition wasn’t one of them. And it isn’t like you had to PVP back in the day. You could presumably just queue and AFK, as was the common practice in PVP anyways in 2008.

Not in the smaller battlegrounds, which gave you the biggest chance of getting the pet- it would do a roll between all the group members.

Also, also, you had to win, no chance of getting it if you lost, so afks would make it a lot harder.

This pet used to actually be somewhat rare, unless you grinded PvP, which people did. It wasn’t too rare, but you could tell who really played PvP if they had one.

It was a promotion item, so I’m currently on team NBD, but…

That’s really the issue I have, and the issue I have with all the requests to fill the Trading Post with discontinued rewards. Why should we get less content? Why couldn’t this run as a seasonal thing for the Olympics? Make more and give tokens for winning BGs during that week.

It’s the worst version of getting it back.

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there was the usual qq from people who wanted the pet, but didn’t want to be “forced” to do a few bgs to get it :stuck_out_tongue:

it was still TBC.

no collection tab for pets

there were people who obtained it, then chucked it away because it was taking up bag space.


Moment of silence for all the animals we threw in the trash.


Everyone who pointed out your Feat of Strength achievement are correct…shows you got it when it was first offered as an rng drop for winning battlegrounds in 2008. (that’s still your /flex which no one can take away)

I was there too…got the tabard but rng never tipped in my favor and gave me the pet. I am THRILLED to have a chance to get it now! Unlike many pvp rewards that are/were guaranteed by putting in time/effort …this one was luck/rng based.

An example of a pvp reward that is earned by hard work…the pets Sir Snips and Bucketshell (each for reaching honor level 400) are rightfully earned. Those, in my opinion, should never appear in the trading post. Anyone who earned them really earned them (and hats off to you …I’ll never even try for those! lol). Spirit of Competition was…luck. Enjoy your Feat of Strength, OP. No one has taken that away as the pet is now owned by many who missed out, started late, or just had bad luck.

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I mean, if that helps you sleep at night, then have fun with that.

the event ran for long enough that there was plenty of time to win enough bgs to eventually get the pet.


Has anyone ever asked you this question though? This is honestly the first time I’ve even heard of the pet :skull:

That just means you are a noob.

Your insult game is stuck in the past too it seems


100% brother, preach. :blue_heart:

I say this as someone who owns a lot of rare, old stuff too. Let new players have things that are no longer available. What does it hurt?
At least they’re doing it in a way that isn’t a greedy scheme. Like imagine if they sold this pet in the shop for $50 or whatever?

I’ve used this analogy on the OW forums before, but like … If Bill Gates gave you a Ferrari, would you be happy? Yeah, because it’s a cool car you like, right?

Ok, so now would you be less happy if he bought everyone in your city one?

If so, then that’s a personal issue.


That is an awful analogy. People worked towards unobtainable achievements, which in this game are rare and unique, to give in and let everyone have that loses the value of these once great feats. I also have a couple glad drakes from back then, am I supposed to be happy if all the sudden a s4 brutal glad drake is on the tendie shop?

oh please.

achievements didn’t even exist when this pet was originally added to the game :stuck_out_tongue:

(it’s weird how you called someone a noob, but keep making weird statements which sound like you’re not the original account holder of the account you’re playing on)

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It doesn’t make any difference…