What about just making Warthion and Anduin good friends?

Why not making both of them brothers in arms and having Warthion look after Stormwind as an adviser to keep Anduin’s vision of peace when he dies


That’s what they are: friends. Sort of. I think Anduin is still mad at him.

And Wrathion will be too busy on Dragon Isles trying to look like the good guy, instead of the twisted psycho he is.


it was just set up too perfectly with that title.

God I miss Futurama


I support Anduin’s new friendship with this Warthion fellow, quick question…who is Warthion?

Friends with benefits? Sounds good to me

I often punch my friends in the face before I have psychotic episodes and hallucinate that squid monsters want to eat me.

Wrathion is the crazy guy in your mind? I see…

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Anduin is way too vanilla to be anything other than a glorified doormat.

does wrathion have a cloaca in human form?

he sure does

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