We know Xal’atath is going to be in the next expansion,but no mention of Iridikron. He been built up for months as the big threat to Azeroth. However, he not mentioned or showed in the announcement does that indicate we fight him still before Dragonflight is over?
3rd quest of the new expansion will be a dwarf asking for 7 Iridikron livers. They only have a 1% drop rate so he’s killed over and over, farmed for eternity.
The end.
Do you play Golf by any chance?
Wow the story of Dragonflight is so incredibly lame, I actually had to search up who Iridikron even was to answer this. He will just die and be forgotten like many raid bosses before him.
He may be a raid boss we fight as we are going underground which is his domain being a master of earth. He desires the titans to pay and they’re supposedly coming back to say hi or whatever so…you know he’ll be around but perhaps twisted by the void and deadlier than ever before
Is it that bad if they leave him be for a bit to stew in the background and build up to something for after this saga we’re in for? He’s got some big goals, he’s cagier than other big bads and knows we’re formidable, so why not have him in the background, maybe with schemes that show up as side stories, but then make his big move later.
But he’ll take a hard back seat to Xal’atath then as more are excited to see her again than Iridikron.
If he being saved then he will be the final boss of the first raid to just be killed, and done like most first raid bosses end up as.
like a stony gul’dan then? Possibly have his life siphoned away by Xal’atath at the end and have her be like “he served his purpose” or something. At the very least he’s a new big bad we’re not killing off in the same Expac like a certain bald wannabe deity we smoked in the same expansion he was introduced
That was a mercy killing as he was such a let down as a big bad. We had to end his suffering.
Who knows, there could still be a 10.3 with either a new raid or mega dungeon where we dispatch him.
From a writing perspective: I don’t think every single villain that’s introduced has to be killed right then & there within that given expansion … Keeping them around for awhile, even beyond an expansion helps build anticipation – and if done right can help establish the story better & revisit old foes to reignite cool content within new enjoyable zones for recognisable enemies in fresher area settings.
Honestly, they need to do more long-term build up characters & stop “Look at this new villain! You’ve killed the new villain! Wasn’t that exiting!?” – because only very rarely does the villain introduced within the same expansion they’re ended in, get a good hype up.
Personally I feel with the Incarnates:
- Iridikron
— is a good villain to keep around for awhile, I liked his speech given towards Chromie @ the end of the ‘Dawn of the Infinite’ dungeon.
- Raszageth
— was a really cool villian, and the more you learned about her the more you could understand her rage, motive and overall demeaner to why she was the way she was – and her overall theme was pretty cool.
- Fyrakk
— is a good villian to end the expansion on. Good ole’ Mr big bad fire-guy combined with big bad dragon. What more could you ask for?
- Vyranoth
— isn’t terrible, and at least decent; but we didn’t really get much knowledge on her … Honestly it would’ve been good to get some in-game books on each incarnate or a questline giving more history on each (Not the complete, but at least a good taste to grasp some understanding at their allegiances & how they were ultimately caught individually to their prisons). Keeping at least one around to eventually become an ally was a twist I hadn’t considered & honestly actually think is pretty clever writing because it gives room for more potential for storylines + content ahead.
Iridikron will come back when the void lords rear their heads. Midnight seems likely, but who can say.