What a pathetic balancing act these days

Let’s add more to the game, yet we have no idea how to balance any of the stats/talents that we introduce. Very smart. Hope you all love FOMO BS because it is all this game will ever be from here on out.

Sounds good, thanks.


Just play the game and stop worrying about the 3 percent differences.


The nerd raging on this forum…

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I’d love a forum feature where you can permanently block a user and never see a single thread that they initiate.


This would be so nice. Same people start the same types of threads every few days. It would be so nice to just have them auto mute.

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Its been 9 or so days and Enhancement Shaman talents are still broken but the tank and spank boss for worthless catch up gear gets hotfixes :rofl:

What are you on about?

Tbh I avoided the beta so I have no idea how the balancing is at max level. I just imagine we are in a weird spot until then.

Screw balance, new is fun

It’s a forever balancing act, you’d think after all these years they’d have it nailed down to art but it feels like they fire and hire new people after each balance patch lol, that or bean counters have wormed their way inside every department of the game and there has to be negative feedback before they ‘‘fix it’’

That’s just the nature of the beast of retail, when its always changing…

Because it’s not about balance, it’s about meta shifts the way they want them, like a spec will be bad for 2 patches, and then god

I think the only exception is aug, they’ve backed themselves into a corner with that one

Best to just ignore it and play what you enjoy


Someone got nerfed in beta.

Balance is impossible and you can’t use it as an excuse as to why we can’t have new classes and talents.