Not looking for rares or anything but best for DPS / one for each type such as:
Not looking for rares or anything but best for DPS / one for each type such as:
So, on this, most pets have been streamlined. Some have basic functionality that makes them better in certain situations but it depends.
For example: in the cunning department, if you intend to PvP, you’ll want something like a hyena. The reason is becaused it’s cunning, but also provides mortal wounds. If you’re playing with someone that already has mortal wounds like an arms warrior though, then you might go with something like a spider for the root. Situations like that.
For DPS’ing in dungeons and the like, any ferocity pet will work in most situations. One doesn’t do more dps than the other. So long as a pet has blood lust, you’ll be in a good spot.
Honestly I would go ask in the hunter forums if I were you. Many pets are situational etc.
That being said I used to use:
-Core hound/Quillen (lust and brez are nice)
Many hunters pets no longer have a speciality skill which used to be beneficial to the player or raid/dungeon. Now most are just grouped in cunning, ferocity, tenacity. Exotic (spirit beasts) have a special trait but it really isn’t that big of a deal. I usually run with a spirit beast, but also carry a tank and dps pet.
Lust pet, rest are personal preference honestly.
Cat def cat…they normalized dps for all types only difference is extra pet abilities as bm hunter or if you want leech or a cooldown oh no ability. Dps wise though all output same since pet changes.
Spirit beast for general use since the heal is pretty big and offers a soothe/purge.
Any ferocity if you HAVE to lust in m+ or something. Just swap it in and out for lust.
I think Silithid is the most “mobile” pet or something for absurd target switching. My friend tamed one for Hivemind prog to help catch darters. Idk if it’s a real thing though.
Ironhoof - tanky with hero
Bat - Dispell and hero
Blood beast - ranged mortal strike for PvP
Spirit beast for when you don’t need hero for the heals
Get a lust pet and a soothe/purge pet. Depending on what you want to do, get either a ferocity pet or tenacity pet for the leech or health. You can mostly find any combination you need of them.
Pink Tallstrider.
Teal Tallstrider.
Purple Tallstrider.
White Tallstrider.
Pink and White Tallstrider.
Cunning: Moth/Sporebat/Water Strider
Ferocity: Bat/Ray
Tenacity: Crane/Spirit Beast/Stag
All of those have the soothe/purge ability. Pick the specialization based on what you need. You’ll pretty much never need any of the other abilities for PvE content. For PvP, you might want a cunning snare pet or a cunning soothe/purge pet.
My Gnome hunter alt(who isn’t played much) still has the default mechanical rabbit from when I created him
On my Troll hunter that I’ve had for forever I have a spirit beast and core hound I alternate between. Spirit Beast utility is awesome, core hound for lust.
I’m nostalgic.
If you don’t have water walking mou t, water walking pet has power that allows you to water walk.
Rays are my default, all-purpose pet for my Hunter. The bloodlust/heroism ability plus the dispel is really just an excellent combination that is almost never useless. The Ferocity Leech is just a bonus.
Rhinos/Clefthoofs are my favorite for non-Spirit Beast Exotics. They’re incredibly tough, great tanks for solo work, and come with Lust too.
Spirit Beasts are always useful. They better be. They take enough work. My favorite (and currently only) is Skoll - love the lightning warg look.
Most fun pets to me are the Water Striders, especially the big ones from Zangarmarsh (bonus if you have the second pet as one too). They’re delightfully War of the Worlds-looking. I also enjoyed having double Moths for PvP leveling up - I think their wings were exceptionally distracting (also because Mothra is the best).
Spirit Beast is the most useful by far.
What do people think about the Chimera thingies? The Hunter pets that have a ice/snare bolt. But they also have a unique AoE that does a tiny bit of ranged damage. Idk if any other pets do damage with their special bonus. Is it worth while damage/aoe slow? It looks interesting. It has a neat animation.
Yes and no. I mean don’t get me wrong, the occasional heal is cool and all, but it’s really just a drop in the bucket for a whole run. 99% of the time, you’re going to have it’s autocast turned off and you’ll use a mouseover macro to spot heal, so it doesn’t really get that many uses per mythic+ run.
But then again, I know everyone follows guides like they are a bible or something. So if the guides say it, it must be true, right?
Or maybe learn to use the heal constantly? Because when i play with my hunter I’m pumping that heal regularly in a dungeon.
And if you think is only about the heal, then you are forgetting the extra HP, defensive CD and the dispel, at the end is the best package in the pets.