I got put on seed duty once when the usual suspects didn’t show. Picked it up. Ran it all the way through but I forgot to alter time. So I was hyper focused on making sure I got through the portal. So focused, I forgot to drop the seed.
Sorry melee.
The only positive was the person in charge of the melee seed didn’t even try. So I got away with it as their sin was worse than mine.
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lag running into princess huhuran (wiped everyone)
yeah i didn’t get to play in that raid very long
take me ton of pulls to know how to do orb mechanic on Lady Inerva Darkvein
and even take me for months to notice that you dont need to stand on the orb
(as long as you line up lazer on top of orb)
to the point i just open MS paint and make pic for explain other in discord lol
That story about the guild leader and his dead father sounds weird as hell.
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Used to run a fairly active guild. Sadly, for me, my alt was a priest, which meant when the guild wanted to raid, I healed. Despite hating raids.
(As GM, I helped supply consumables, made certain we had teh gold for repairs, etc, but preferred to not actually run in the raid if I could help it.)
Anyway - Cata, BWL (I think that was the raid, all dragons and stuff). Final boss, our third night or so trying it, and…
things are going well. MAin tank is controlling adds while other tank hold boss and people are burning it down -I’m healing paladin tank on adds and…
I life gripped him due to a keyboard fumble. Lost aggro, much terror. Tank managed to hold them a few more seconds, died. My priest holds them just long enough for other to down boss.
But, it was embarassing.
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I wiped my guild by accidently nailed a mob at teh back of the ballroom with a SoC.
The mobs likely would have wiped us regardless, but, my shriek of rage into vent paralyzed the raid. Real life Howl of Terror effect.
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I started playing in WotLK. I was always terrified of group content; my mother and aunt played long before I did, and one of the first things they told me when I started playing was “Don’t go into groups. Just don’t. People are jerks, just don’t do it.” So, of course, did I listen? Hell no, who listens to their mother?
One of the very first dungeons I did in a PuG was Drak’Tharon Keep, I think. There’s some trash in there close to the beginning that dumps purple puddles on the ground, and I stood right in them (I had no addons, and wasn’t very good at keeping track of my HP and pressing buttons at the same time lol). I died of course, and the healer rezzed me and told me “Don’t stand in purple stuff.” It was soooo embarrassing.
I ran with that same group quite a bit after that though, so either I got better, or they were all high AF and didn’t care. I suspect the latter, and know it to be completely true for that tank.
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Any time I’m in a group I’m the idiot of it.
Play so many alts was on my hunter and thought i was on a different toon and disengaged off the platform on Sire. I’m the idiot…
Came here to say exactly this. Keybind on shammy, ghost wolf, go forward. Keybind on hunter, disengage, go backward. Push key on wrong toon–instant noob.
People kept yelling at “mage lust” in chat and being the only mage I was genuinely confused as to wtf they were saying. I was looking around hoping no one else would notice I was the mage lol.
I eventually just spammed a bunch of skills until I guess one triggered the lust (found out it was the timewarp ability) and then I got met with “ffs FINALLY late af”.
A few months ago, I was doing a LFR raid with my feral druid, I used stampeding roar and shifted into bear to help everyone get to the first boss faster, and then I completely blanked and forgot I was playing my feral character and not my guardian bear character, and I pulled the boss.
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One time ages ago in WSG, I died and decided to use that time at the GY to go to the bathroom/grab a drink real quick. Come back to people flipping out/yelling at me in chat. Apparently while I was away the rez timer popped, I respawned and the flag dropped right next to me while I was afk. Not sure how the runner died/dropped the flag where I was the only option to return it, but whatever.
It was at the end of Wrath of the Lich King, i had managed to join one of the better guilds within my community (Quebecers), it was my first attempt at “serious” raiding with everything that it implies.
While we had ICC on farm we were still doing Ulduar to collect some achievements and i had to AFK for a second while we were getting ready to do Mimiron’s Hard Mode (Firefighter). The entire group was on the designated stacking point to begin the fight properly, next to the big red button, while i was still at the entrance of the room.
Raid Leader tells me to get the hell on the spot and i oblige…
I popped my rocket boots and flew straight THROUGH the boss to get to the spot. I then proceed to ask “so what are we waiting for?” Not realizing i had pulled the boss in Normal mode as he takes a little while to “wind up”, he activated pretty much the second my sentence ended.
What ensued was one of the most awkward Ventrilo silence i ever experienced and a meme that would last for years.
Oh yeah i disengaged off a few platforms too when i was maining Hunter lol. At least a couple of times on Heroic Rag prog.
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Once in LFR I’ve ran on to a big ol’ empty platform, only for the boss to spawn on top of me and wipe the raid.
Since I owned up to it immediately and it was a relatively new raid, I didn’t really get abused for it. One guy got toxic pissy but was admonished for it, we continued, and for that boss I was second on the damage charts. Could have been worse.
For me the usual: first time hunter didn’t know to turn off growl when they even explained!
So, you’re typing in game to party and forget - then can’t figure out why you’re hitting all your keys and you’re character just looks likes it’s standing there watching everyone else fight, maybe filing your nails while the fight goes on and you look at your dialog bar to say sorry and it’s full of numbers and letters of a madman!
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Trying to run a dungeon with that argent tourney joust weapon equipped
Let’s just say that the only way my Wrath guild was able to to get the Safety Dance achievement was to lock me outside of the encounter.
I rolled on, won and looted Earthshaker back in MC. I was only 58 or 59 though. I was not popular that week. For the record , I didnt know better.
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