What’s the deal with Streamers

Saying this run is being streamed and you should follow them at the start of the PUG (or worse, at the end) rather than asking first?

Like seriously?

When the tank leaves and you have to sit around waiting for another that’s probably not good for the stream you’re trying to promote.

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That’s part of the game. They can edit it out if they upload a condensed video on YouTube.

Unless you are in VC with them, what’s the issue? I feel like this is a case of being upset for the sake of being upset.


I don’t really see what the issue is honestly. If you just personally don’t like it, well idk what to say to you honestly, it’s just part of the game.


The streamer that does that to a pug i hate those even in a raid .First they invite people and just before the pull .“by the way,I’m streaming” comes up then “you must have discord or we’ll kick you” why didn’t you say that before you invited and wasted 30minutes of my time.


Uh, the issue is streaming without being asked first. I either VtK or leave.


Who else read the title in Jerry Seinfeld’s voice?


Well it could be worst .“What’s the deal with steamers” < then i’ll begin to wonder.

Sounds like you found your solution then.


wow you vote kick people trying to make a living doing what they love just because you feel like are more entitled to the dungeon then them? or is it that you want your privacy on a mmorpg? that seems pretty sketch, you should go back to single player games.


Nah, I don’t like them doing it without asking first, you ask and I wouldn’t have a problem.

So I VTK or leave because they come across as skeezy.


Never liked them. I was always a fan of the baseball cards in the spokes…

But seriously, how hard is it to extend the courtesy of asking first?


how are you entitled to dictate their stream when you enter a public dungeon with them? you should only run with friends, maybe if the streamer is blasting your name, but 99% of them no its a no go, and not to set fans on others, shoot I’ve been streaming all morning, i just don’t tell people in pugs or any other activity. better to catch the people acting casual rather watch them white knight up for the camera, or try to peacock.

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Wow you’re sad.


a certain name comes to mind when faced with your attitude, it starts with a K and ends with talking to a manager…


I’m okay with being on a stream, honestly. It’s just my character (I don’t VC with people I don’t know). Even if I look stupid in the raid/dungeon, that’s fine because that’s just my natural state.

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What’s the deal with airline food?


No really, this is sad, you lied about a charity in the charity thread to look cool, got called on it cause you knew absolutely nothing about what you were talking about, had a meltdown, and now have decided to follow me to other threads XD

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To paraphrase Bill Maher. You have to be a really lonely person to stream yourself playing a videogame, but you have to be an even lonelier person to watch someone streaming themselves playing a videogame.


I saw an interesting thread and posted in it, I’m sorry, please show me where you own the forms, and please tell me where i lied? i don’t understand why you are attacking me and making up false claims about me, you must be some piece of work…