What’s in a name

Looking to have a go at leveling on this server but wanted to ask a question since I’ve never played on a rp server before.
How important is the name?
Will I have issues finding a home or guild if I pick a bad name?
Sorry if this is a silly question but I’ve never done any RP and don’t want to find out at level 49 that I’ve made a bad decision.

Be kind, rewind, and have a rp name.

It honors the rpers who fought to get this server type in the first place.

Thank you for the reply.
As a first Tim RPer, would you recommend I use the random name option in game? I have a name I think sounds good but I’m not sure my judgment can be trusted
Full disclosure, I’ve re-rolled a few times already. I’d make a name I thought sounded cool but then no longer liked.
I may be overthinking this but I want to start off right

Random name generator works that’s how I got this name back in 03. But if you find something that you really like go for it! A monicker works as well as long as it fantasy based. To be all honest with the rp community most people read what the TRP says your name is not your tag. Speaking of which I suggest you download TRP3 as soon as you can. Are you going horde?

Thank you, and yes I plan to roll Horde.

I don’t know they’re rp discord is but I know they have one. I would ask around the Grobb discord. Also if you see a Touran named Pintero give him a salute or hug because without his organizing we probably wouldn’t have rp pvp at all. Happy rping!

Thank you very much.

If you plan on playing an undead check out Hand of Lordaeron. We’re an undead focused RP guild and we’re friendly to new RPers.

Right on, thank you