What’s gonna be really fun

Is when Wrath Classic gets announced and you have Anti-Boosters trying to talk down to the hordes of people who have never played Classic who come swarming back to their favourite expansion.


Antiboosters just really have no appreciation for other peoples point of views and don’t fully understand how diverse the game audience is.

It’s some form of twisted narcissism where they think everyone who boosts is just going to quit the game, or devalue the leveling experience. OF course they’re fundamentally wrong.



The leveling is irrelevant, people wanna quest and explore, especially with their friends.

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They’re going to LOVE DKs.


I can hear it… “DK’s ARE PAY TO WIN”






A point I just made on another thread:

I wonder if these people get all pissed off at people taking the freeway instead of the highway to work…

If people can’t be bothered to level 58, then why would they be bothered to do the ridiculous grind for attunements?

Character boosts will provide a temporary increase to subscriber numbers and used for tourism only.


Dks are Pay-to-win! I mean they start at 55, they will not understand their class and how it works if they do not have to level all the way from level 1. It breaks the “Spirit of the Game”!

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Let’s not forget their epic mount and 12 slot bags… Oh, and all the flight points in Azeroth already known!

And that is an opinion, one that others disagree with. You are entitled to your opinion on the matter and so are others. Many of us think the boost are a great idea and one that will encourage more people to play TBC and a percentage of those players will stay and go back and level more characters, which it turn creates a more enjoyable experience for everyone.


Clearly pay-to-win!

In outdated content, people are perfectly fine leveling in current content aka Outland.

I couldn’t be bothered to play Alliance until Shadowlands (still don’t really), am I playing the game wrong?

The old world doesn’t matter, that’s not new to Classic.

The problem I have with this is you guys are pretty much saying that you might as well never leave Outland since it’s “outdated and unnecessary.”

Ok. Then let’s remove Karazhan raid, Caverns of time, and literally any other TBC content not in Outland.

Listen, I totally sympathize with those who are going to use the boost to play with their friends. WoW is 100% more entertaining with other people. However, skipping 58 levels in an MMORPG takes away the, well, RPG aspect of it.

Here’s another example, how would a single-player RPG game feel if you bought it, launched, and immediately went to the final level. No context, no power gain over time, no feel of the world or setting along the way.

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Me having to step out of the Dark Portal and Saunter over to Karazhan does not make any of those Azeroth zones relevant or important.

Here’s another example: give everyone a cheeseburger.

As relevant as what you said.

The level 58 boost is so you can play at the beginning of TBCC, it’s not a skip to the end of the game, get that through your head.

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I was going to insult you here, but it’s not worth it. You have already made up your mind, as have I, and there’s no point in trying to change that.

However, I hope you’re right. I hope that the boost turns out to be good for the game. I am just using what we have already experienced since MoP where we’ve seen a gradual downfall of player engagement and skill. I’ve seen it the group finder, guild raids/group content, and my personal friends who just boost whatever they want and then are unhappy when they “run out of things to do.”

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A single-player game isn’t really the best example since my game and your game are completely separated out.

You don’t even get to argue that you boosting technically means less people in the game world for me as I level, which already wasn’t a super strong argument so long as they refuse to do anything about dungeon boosting.

When it comes to single-player games other people can do whatever they want with their game. The only experience they can hurt is their own, and I’m a big fan of letting people take responsibility for their own enjoyment of the game so long as it’s not hurting other people’s experiences.

Overall since we’ve put up with dungeon boosting in Classic since basically the beginning I have a hard time thinking that a once per account paid boost is going to do that much damage that dungeon boosting hasn’t already done.

Granted I know that’s not a fair argument to add more stuff, but it feels a bit like the house is already on fire so throwing another match on probably wont do a whole lot if the firefighters are going to stand around not doing anything about the fire.

You already did that with your lame example to try and demonize something you don’t like.

And I’d say that is correlation without causation. Especially the latter, buying a boost doesn’t prevent someone from playing their class and learning it, not already having one of those classes.

If you’re not a troll you really are the biggest idiot I’ve ever seen post here. The no changes crowd is not going to complain about death knights starting at 55 in wrath.