What’s going on in bgs?

Is there something I missed? For the past like 4 days or so Horde bg ques have been lower, and when I say lower I mean like 4 min ques when they used to be 7-8, and alliance totally smashing us. Is there some sort of event happening… or something people are trying to farm?

Horde mercs into alliance for shorter ques, so chances are you’re probably losing to your own faction (sometimes)


Yea, I know it’s common, even I’ve done it. What I’m trying to say is that if horde are Merc moding Into alliance and it’s dropping horde ques its been happening just recently to an extent hat horde bg ques have literally been 2-3 min long. So I was just wondering why the change all of a sudden. I thought maybe there was an event going on. I know when everyone was trying to farm BoTE horde ques were near instant.

I think it just fluctuates. I’ve seen 4m horde BG queues in the past month or so in non-epic BGs.

Could also be some people trying to farm echoes from them if they don’t do any of the higher yield activities?

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Ahhhh Echos, of course why didn’t I think of that, that’s exactly what people are doing.

Alliance doesn’t even get the benefit of short queue times anymore since the SAME HORDE are getting put in the same BGs that I am back to back. It’s BULLSH*T that the better geared horde not only get quick queue times like Alliance does but they also get the benefit of winning due to how better geared they are and the higher amount of premades they are.

Honestly I think Blizzard just gave up on matchmaking to appease the more populated faction so that they can have their cake and eat it too. Literally who cares about the two remaining players on the Alliance.