What’s a silly headcanon you have?

For me, it’s that those celestial statues of tauren and trolls in Ulduar are the Titan equivalent of putting a child’s drawing on the refrigerator.

“Aw Azeroth! Did you make these complex life forms all by yourself? Here we’ll put them in Ulduar so everyone knows you can sustain intelligent life like a big girl!”


Forsaken innkeepers sell exclusively mushrooms because they’re grown from graves and corpses, making it their only ‘vegan’ option.


Suramar has utterly devastating potential in war and sabotage with their (relatively) free and easy travel via telemancy, that they didn’t use in BFA because it was a war they didn’t want and going nuclear would have just enflamed the war.


When days get stressful, Thrall takes a moment to think about how Terenas Menethil and Daelin Proudmoore would react to Calia and Derek being in the Horde and laughs.

  • Lightforged Draenei glow in the dark and many have trouble sleeping after they’ve been lightforged.
  • Warlock and Demon Hunter spells are probably really stinky. Fel looks like it’s smelly. Not to mention Unholy DKs… peuh! :poop:

Edit to add one more:

  • Experienced Shaman have a very casual rapport with the elements, and often call on them just for some good company.

Magatha and her family number in the hundreds

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Cycle of hatred confirmed warlock spells smell like sulphur.


I didn’t know this! I bet their ropes get pretty ripe after awhile then! :sweat_smile:

dunno how ‘silly’ it is in this day and age, but I imagine that Kil’Jaeden took Velen’s abandonment so personally because he was in love with him, and felt extra betrayed/vindictive, ala Messala from the 1959 version of Ben-Hur.


Orcs eat rocks. Ahh I miss Bashiok’s post.

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I always imagine that despite his less than positive opinion of the Forsaken, Thrall took immense satisfaction in the fact that Lordaeron City was flying Horde banners.


I have a number, mostly about goblins

  • Goblins have their own “Carny” versions of Common and Orcish, like how old school wrestling promoters used terms like Mark, Smart, Jobber, Color, Face, Heel, etc.
  • Furthermore, Goblins invented professional wrestling after being introduced to Pandaren martial arts, with weight classes for goblins gnomes and vulpera, blood elves nightborne and forsaken, orcs trolls pandaren and tauren, and earthen
  • Goblins on the lost isles quickly discovered that raptor eggs make really good omelettes, thus establishing one of the most thriving trades between the trolls and any other race in the horde.
  • Goblins invented pizza but each race has their own take on it. Gnomes have chicago deep dish, orcs came up with detroit style, tauren came up with thin crust, and trolls came up with tortilla pizzas.
  • Goblins have worker unions, it’s just the BIA (Bilgewater Intelligence Agency) doesn’t quite like them much. Don’t worry about why Goblin union leaders keep ending up drowned at the bottom of the sea off the coast of Azshara.

How dare you?!

I think of it as lime scented


Hey, you could put that ‘Smelly’ title from Zaralek to good use!

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I assume it smells like sulfur.


Wait… you’re serious?


At the very least Doomhammer would be… and now I have another one.

Doomhammer likes to tease Terenas over the fact that the Horde claimed Lorderon after all.


There is lore saying doomhammer was held in the undercity before he escaped so i like to imagine the poor people who lived down there just talking to him


That’s distinctly a thing in lore though. In BFA you’ve to negotiate with a Goblin union to secure their support for the expedition to Mechagon.

Bit of a joke quest but it was still distinctly a thing. So yes the petropunk anarchocapitalists have better class solidarity than most modern day US industries.


Yeah I just found the quest. Only The Best Will Do from BFA

But here’s some quest text from it

“The union rep sets her drink down on the table and frowns.
Yeah, I thought you were gonna say that…
Listen here, bub. This crew just got done working overtime. They’re enjoying some well-deserved R&R.
Gazlowe’s gonna have to shatter his whole piggy bank if he expects them back on site so soon