Whack-a-Gnoll Quest is bugged

About halfway through the challengers they stopped spawning and now it can’t be continued by anyone even if you abandon and re-take quest.


Yep, very annoying. Still stuck on this quest as it’s required for the Sojourner of Azure Span achievement and getting renown.

Yeah. The mobs around just spam all the other characters’ names. It’s weird

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Had this quest bug out on me too, but I dropped it and grabbed it again. Worked flawless the second time around.

This is still relevant as the quest ended up being stuck at the Halfway point.
Abandoning and reaccepting the quest did not do squat. This was on the Nagrand Realm.

Ok. This happened to me too and I ‘think’ I figured out the workaround until Blizz resolve.

First time I abandoned and reaccepted I had flown back toward the quest giver, for whatever reason this doesn’t work.

You must abandon it in the arena, the Gnolls should all despawn while you stand there, then you can go get it again and start over.

tl;dr - try abandoning it while IN the arena circle only.


Still bugged.

Abandon in the arena, abandon out of arena, fly in, walk in, bamf in, nothing gets me any progress in this quest

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I have the fix. Log out and log back in inside the circle. You’ll fight the enemies again and quest progress continues.


This absolutely worked! Just log out, and log right back in, it’s the same challengers, but it finished the quest.

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The bug is still there but the logging out then back in dose work around it. Blizzard please fix this bug.

Glitch is still here, but logging out and back in didn’t fix it.

As of 11/25/24, this is still bugging out at 50%. The log out/in while in the circle works. Good job blizz using the millions you make off us, and still cant fix this bug.

Yes! Thank you, it worked for me