Wg not showing correct times or allowing queue arugal oce

exactly what the title says

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Some more info on this issue:

  • Affects Tol Barad as well
  • Seems to affect all Oceanic players (I also tried a character on Yojamba and had the same issue)
  • The queue may show as “in progress” in the PvP menu however Join Battle always has no effect (no error message either)
  • Going to the zone, or going to the queue NPC in Dalaran, doesn’t work
  • Being invited cross-realm by an American player and having them queue as a group results in an error like “X is not eligible for the queue” (paraphrasing)
  • The world zone has the keep permanently in a neutral state, making Vault of Archavon permanently unavailable (even if you glitch through the wall, there is no instance portal)

As a result Oceanic players are totally locked out of both Wintergrasp and Tol Barad battles.