We've been utterly LIED to about Layering

That would be called the login queue.

Did you bother to read the post or just a troll?

Are you just spamming the thread? What does this nonsense mean? Either way, layering is complete and utter garbage.

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Its in response to the person above that. Who said they said Draenor would be savage, and lied…

Layering is a means to an end. Not ideal but should serve its purpose.

Idk I feel like Draenor was pretty savage. The questing and some of the raids like blackrock foundry were awesome. The game only became garbage once you hit level 100.

Shooting the youknowwhat with my guildies in Ventrilo while waiting for log-in queues or server maintenance queues that took hours are some of my favorite memories of this game.

No, actually layering is extremely detrimental to the game. And it seems it’s more detrimental than people thought.

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Except it’s not detrimental. No one will have died because of layering. No animals will have been harmed in the process. There will be plenty of people playing and forming a community regardless. While a handful of people will be complaining on the forums, things will be moving forward without them.

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should also mention that it will stop the massive lag / wait for quest objectives when everyone is level 1 at the same time on release , then it can be toned down / shut off when we start to spread out more / people leave the game.


I would like to think that this is most likely the way the tech will be utilized, by layering with smaller numbers in the starting zones and then gradually increase the layering size as players move out of those starter zones.

Wait and see, we might see a similar rocky start to Classic just like it was on launch day all those years ago, or we will find a few other issues but hopefully nothing game breaking that stops you from grouping with friends.

Exactly. The instant gratification crowd are the ones against layering posts and love layering and anything else they add. They’d rather sacrifice a higher quality experience just to get what they want NOW.

I’d gladly wait in a queue for an hour to play a non-layered version of the game.

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Unfortunately vast majority of gamers do mind that. As its evident in every hyped launch game in history. Ques, server crashes and lag are three major thing that literally every major launch has and the main thing ppl qq about

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Your Freudian slip is showing :smiley:

It wasn’t a Freudian slip. I meant to say people who are against layering posts. I simply omitted the word at the end in my typing haste. I didn’t say any words I didn’t mean to say. Good try at some forum psychology there, but nah

“Freudian slip”, LOL :grin:

I think you have a point but you also have it backwards. People posting and crying about layering are the ones who need instant gratification because they want layering removed now. They cannot wait a simple few weeks to get something that is already going to happen. It will get removed (every one expects this) but the instant gratification crowd need it removed now. People willing to wait so that we have a successful launch are obviously not the instant gratification crowd. lol

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They are probably testing sharding at a lower number since they know they wont have 3000+ people in the beta. We wont really know what layering will be like in classic until classic is live.

My money is on the fact that layering will be in the game for far longer than people think. If they missed the mark on the amount of “tourists” they think will leave, they will have overpopulation issues and will continue to layer instead of adding more servers.

Honestly I’m not really against the idea of layering from a server stability point of view, but one thing about it is not clear to me, and honestly can make or break the immersion of an MMO.

Say I played today went on a quest with someone I just met in the area names “newfriend”, and then engaged in some world PvP with a gnome rogue named “shortstuffx” (names made up lol). Now lets say this was a pretty intense hour or 2 of gameplay, I’ve developed both a new friendship and a new rivalry in the same session. The next day when I log on will I ever see these people again in the same layer? If I dont intentionally add the new friend to my group could I run into him? Obviously I cant force the new rival on to my layer, but what are the odds we are in the same area questing and run into each other again on the same layer? Does the layer you are on simply depend on the timing of your log in?

A scenario like this is exactly why I’m coming back to play classic. These are the types of things that keep me logging on.

Not “did I do my dailies?”

I hope layering doesn’t last long and is just a necessary evil for a solid launch. My gut tells me it will stick around however, and if Im logging in to a “layer” each time I play, and I have no way of knowing whether the community I’m trying to grow and play with is even in my world or not…well I wont play for long which is unfortunate.

It’s going to be sticking around. Unless every single server drops below 5-8k players, they simply can’t remove layering on those servers because there will be too many people for the resource spawn rates.

It’s possible it’s only for the beta test - you are there to test it. Perhaps consider they were testing the layering.