WET Community Lounge #Eternity

looks like a fun game :slight_smile:

Oh so it wasn’t that game you were taking about?

nope :eyes:
my Heretic dungeons get a bit out of control and over populated. then everyone is usually like woah can we just talk about this?

We’re better, we just get silly over chili fries :smiley:

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I don’t know what that is. :slight_smile:

basically the scarlet monastery :smiley:

Ah ok, I guess home is where the heretic is.
ba dum tss :rofl:

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…and the one who makes them. :sunglasses:

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Ok, must…get…Forsaken…mount…


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i still scarlet rp lol

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i still pick their pockets :smiley: hope that is ok :smiley:

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you still pick my pockets too :frowning:

naw, I check for names these days before I pick :smiley:

u’r on surfy’s no pick list.

U’r high up on the /huuuuuugggggssss list though

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What an honor Ave. I have no such luxury and have to watch my back.

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/snif snif

is that bacon in your pockets?

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yesI got a wee bit of a like for picking pockets and sneaking

Makes things warm and fuzzy for me :smiley:

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that reminds me i can’t follow the conversations in gd lounge its like half of it is missing just something i have noticed

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i salute you for trying :smiley:

I think they tend to have 4 or more threads going in a single conversation sometimes

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What I don’t get is, they spoke earlier of “sending you a picture later” which means they do talk outside of that lounge. So why are they talking all intimate in public like that and ignoring everyone around them, when they can just go in BNET and everyone is happy?

left eye starts ticking