WET Community Lounge #Eternity

/peeks in

Dang, active night in here :slight_smile:


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Hello there :slight_smile:

“Good Morning.”

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sleep escaped me so I figured I’d work on some darkshore grinds

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“Having one of those nights, I see.”

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yep, 4 hours then sleep no more :frowning:

So I see a nap in my future later :smiley:

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“Will you have time for a nap?”

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yeah, thinking so.

church stuff in the am then pretty much done for the day.

I did too much yesterday, so the bod is just telling me I ain’t 18 anymore /giggle

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“Here’s hoping things work out.”

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Wow, I need to be up this time more often - got the nelf themed sword on my warrior and my priest got the nelfy staff yay :slight_smile:

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/happy dance

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Wanting the full nelf cloth outfit. It’s probably one of the first outfits I’ve seen where i don’t even mind the shoudlers /giggle

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“Glad to hear it.”

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I still need 3 of the mounts, but i think they are horde side grinds, so it will be another week or so there before I can try again

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“Good Luck.”

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How did things go on Sonja last night?

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“She hit 90.”

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woohooo :slight_smile: nice.


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