WET Community Lounge #Eternity

I guess I dunno.
I am apathetic about it.
But thanks for the conversation about it. I like having minipets it’s fun and battling is fun too.

“Battling Pets is SOOOO much easier, than battling Mobs.” >.>

Yeah. And battling mobs might be easier than battling other players in PVP, lol. Sometimes.

“I don’t battle other players at all. My War Mode it off, and will stay that way.”

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To each their own.

“So true.”

Derp… chrisp randomly logs in as this girl into WoW, so switches to her to post for a bit. XD

“You should level her, so you can put her in her heritage armor.”

People talking in trade chat about being naked and stuff… people sure stay bad natured, don’t they.

“People will be people.”

o.o so many faces I don’t recognize,did we grow or something over the weekend?

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no i nabbed a rabbit from a pet store an they followed me home, in hopes of petting said bunny.

oink. derr derr derr.
pvping in the 20s horde bracket if anyone wants to join me.


./pounced O hai!

“How are things with you, dear?”
/tentacle hug

god I cant wait til they nerf crusader enchant to be how it’s supposed to be. ruins low level pvp with all the fury warriors with 2x crusader enchants.

Doing alright,getting a few things done before I go to sleep for the night. Also letting a friend’s invention clean up my mini clinic in the lounge. Hawkens thought it be funny to set off a bubblegum bomb in there now it’s all pink,gooey and sticky. >_>

/understanding hug

…oh sure blame the human who made explosives and enjoys a big ka-boom out in the open field…

not the known prankster gobo from next door.