WET Community Lounge #Eternity

/sympathetic hug

U in that midwest messy weather Mr H?

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i’m in missouri. we got alot of snow…

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early for blizzard quality weather?

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well i am not workin tomorrow, that’s all that matters!

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cool :slight_smile:
So many just can’t drive in the slop - safer to stay home :smiley:


Been like that since November 3 for me.
You get used to it eventually.

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My bed will thank the snow.
for a well good rest…

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Slips off to find sleep

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Wait, you get snow? I live in Missouri, and the snow i(f we get any) gets a whopping 2 inches high…

Time to cancel school.

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it’s literally quite a big snowpile.
not to mention it will melt and make the road slippery.

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That’s why we thank Missouri for taking care of it’s roads.

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Yeah well… chili fries.

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Sinister ChrisP appears from the bushes

/puts a corgi on the trolls head.

I want a corgi…

puts both hands on fao’s doggy cheeks
…You are a corgi!

Beeeecause that’s gonna make me believe I don’t need another one running around me.

holds up a corgi that is dressed up as a sw guard

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Iiiiiit’s mine now.
/takes the corgi out of Hawken’s hands

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hissing cat sounds
No take sergeant cocoa!