“It’s not showing up on my screen. Sorry.”
Hmmm, ok, was it “vomit” or more of a breath weapon?
Oh ok, then it’s just a bug.
vomit like a witch cast something down his throat and he had to vomit it out
There is a scene in The Exorcist III in a hospital and the scene is hard to describe, but there was a lot of misdirection and build up followed by a calm then build up then what seems like calm resolution, only to be followed by the “moment”. That “moment” scared the crap out of me. Sorry it’s so vague, but to properly describe it, would take about 3 pages, but you get the idea of tension build up, release, build up, release.
Hmmm, I already did a search for that and nothing. I tried many combination of words in the search and nothing. Oh well, sorry about that.
thanks for trying
horror movies don’t scare me anymore.
My pleasure. I love horror movies with witches and satanists so the one you mentioned caught my attention.
“It’s hard to find one that scares me, anymore. Kind of numb to them now.”
now adays, i see a zombie movie…
i get hungry…
I can still get scared, but my tolerance has greatly increased over the years.
“I find I know too much about Movie Magic to let it scare me, any more.”
Chili Brain Fries, right?
No it makes me hungry, because there eatin infront of me!
That gave me a good laugh!!
EDIT: I ran out of LIKEs for the day, here, have a
When the zombie apocalypse happens i am going to be both happy and angry at the same time!
angry, for many reasons and happy because maybe i can finally work on art projects instead of worrying about payment or jobs…
Well, if you ever need blood red for a color for your art projects, there will be plenty to go around that’s for sure!
Actually it would be a bit darker considering that zombies blood type changes color by a few reasons (like decay an so on, so would be a bit brownish)
Well, if you ever need rust red for a color for your art projects, there will be plenty to go around that’s for sure!