WET Community Lounge #Eternity

Hello my sneaky sister :smiley:


too much food this week, gonna be salads next week for me :slight_smile:

welcome back

Happy Questing


Have a wonderful time

morning comes too soon

good night all

/vanishes in the direction of the rogue loft


comes into lounge and happens to read Mistress Sin’s backstory as the first post stepping in…

cries like a little baby

Happy Birthday, miss Sin. q_q
I can only relate just a small bit. After my ex broke up with me, I was naive to believe him when he said we were still friends. I don’t know what he told all his friends, but afterwords they gave me the really cold sholder or started calling me horrible things as if I were Hitler incarnate.
It was so awful, at the time I had looked up to them all, I thought they were so cool, and to be scorned and abandoned by them just because my ex framed me so he would look like the victim instead of the jerk face… I was suicidal then. But thank goodness, I loved life and pleasure far too much to dare risk dying painfully to end the excruciating pain that is a broken heart.

Anyway, that’s when I came to WoW to try and get my mind off it.
Things have never been the same, but I can at least say I found love again, and he’s a silly and playful sweetie. <3

Sometimes, I think, the greatest blessings come in the form of the most painful events.

You’re a very strong woman, Mistress Sin. I say this as a person who suffers from and fights against depression and anxiety every day.


(Mistress Sin strolls back in, full of delicious food, and quite happy.)

“Thank you, Silvanni. I deeply appreciate the empathy.”


i guess i am a source of great evil… because i am a blasphemer… and my birth chart… and i guess just my destiny and soul must be bad too. i guess.

“The first step is to not believe all you see, read, or hear.”

“Next step is this… Twice a day, look at yourself in the mirror, and repeat the following… ‘I am a good person. I have a place in this world. I have a reason for existing. I am worthy of love and respect.’ …Don’t laugh, don’t look away, don’t express doubt. Say EVERY. WORD. WITH. CONVICTION. Do that for the next month, every day, and let me know how you feel.”

“You CAN convince yourself the voices in your head are wrong. All it takes is determination, consistency, and a deep desire to change. All of which I can see in you.”

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cool, it was a good night

“It was a GREAT night. They even sang Happy Birthday to me.”

Cool :slight_smile:

derp. i pretend to have something to say in this post besides that i wish i had someone to love

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“You will, in time.”

going to miss these dragond

i’m too negative. it hurts my heart to admit it.

“Why is that, Surfy?”

“Just do what I posted earlier, and that feeling can go away.”

I shouldn’t

One puts me to sleep constantly, another knocks me back 200 yards. Staying alive has been a fun challenged, and horde surfy essentially got geared from them.

Good stuff too, not azarite dependent

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“Good reasons.”