WET Community Lounge #Eternity

How has everyone’s Turkey Day been?

Good. We had Cornish hens stuffed with stuffing and some mashed tatoes. Was really good, probably what we’ll do from now on. Better than spending $20-40 on a turkey that 99% goes in the trash. Talked to mommy too

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It was long.

Good, but now I’m tired.

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walks over to the cooky corner and hear 's a strange swoosh sound


don’t know what to do with myself.
sorry for intruding on WET lounge.

come on in and be welcome.

I’m just drinking a salute to the latest 40 man attempt I’m watching on the duskwood dragon right now


yeah, come grab popcorn, watch the carnage :slight_smile:


its nice to see more posters in here

I like posters too

Got my Bono poster on this wall (<3 him for the longest time)

over here I got my poster from that last concert



gives Surfgirl an autographed whaso poster!


/puts it up next to her robin of sherwood poster


Is resto shammy or holy pally in a good spot for healing these days

i’m not sure myself have not played them all that much

well, if my priest can get the azshara dragon before reset I’ll at least have completed things on one toon today /giggle

/grabs a jar
/screams into the jar
/deep breath
Ok, I’m done now.

tough morning ?



We’ll go with that.

I’ll miss you.

Wow, it’s been forever! Great to see the Community Lounge is still around and well!

I can’t help occassionally going back and re-reading old RP threads I participated in or hosted. Been thinking about hosting or posting another fun Prompt or RP thread.
Was thinking of one of the following:

  • Daycare of Warcraft: RP as your characters being children again or the children of your characters! Relive the adventure and perils childhood held!

  • Prison RP: Captured by Pirates! How doth thou escape the clutches of greedy pirates in a wooden tub surrounded by sea?

  • Tavern RP: The Underbelly of Dalaran (Before the rogue class hall took over). Not quite as hospitable as your average pub. Expect pickpocketing, shady deals and tavern brawls to ensue!

Any interest in any of the ideas?