Settle down Petruchio.
Then get a dang turtle or bear, and take care of it properly!
turtles are for kids who wear zombie makeup.
and i already have a bear, he’s on vacation.
well… it’s kinda true.
I feel you treated them right, maybe they’d want to stay…
Plus, a hunter worgen is not a good tank, you want a warrior for that.
And how’s that belief workin’ out for ya?
(Albeit, compromise and adaptation on both parties’ part are important keys to lasting relationships)
oh they are staying.
they just want treats.
it’s merely a joke honestly, however they do say it’s a mans job to be the provider, blah, blah, blah…
Them give them treats.
Just remember: both parties provide, be the matter monetary, domestic, and/or emotional support.
i am just irritated with the far left causing issues these days.
I’m telling you, treats.
hey, not my fault they eat all the bacon i have…
/peeks out of the pillows
Did someone say bacon
/sniff sniff
is that applewood bacon too?
hides the bacon in his food pouch
i found the food pouch.
Too late! I polymorphed myself as his food pouch and ate the bacon.
ya it’s on my person… with a lock.
…why are you on my waist?
Just hangin’.
oh Mr H, did you have to get a shiny lock too
That can be more fun than the bacon
(yes, I know - i have too many rogues :P)