West Coast Player LF Guild or Teammates

Strongest character is a 221 Elemental Shaman (purhart) that mostly does lower level M+ (taking my time on this) almost at 1000 in game score. This char is in a guild right now, but my schedule just clashes with theirs super hard.

Looking for either a guild or even just individual peeps to raid or M+. I’m mostly available Saturday, Sunday, Monday nights.

Additionally, I’m looking to level separate characters for tanking and healing roles so I’m open to whatever.

If raiding, I’m mostly looking for Normal and maybe heroic. I do believe Mythic is just beyond me right now.

Discord is Green Apples#3856 and bnet is Mathgraffiti#1201. Thank you!

Hi! I am a member of HOOAC and we are currently looking for more people to raid and m+ with! Our raid night is Saturday nights at 6pm server, and we run m+ afterward and on most nights that people are on. We have a zero tolerance rule for hate speech or bigotry of any type, and look to respect one another and have a good time! If you are at all interested in running with us you can friend me at Kanjiklub#11346 or an officer at syenye#1765.