Were the Titan's always morally gray?

Incidentally, it’s also worth remembering that Algalon’s Code Omega had been repurposed by Loken to scorch Azeroth in the event of his death and destroy all evidence of the false Prime Designate’s crimes in the process.

So technically the Constellar was summoned under false pretenses, then scanned Azeroth with machinery that quite likely had been tampered with by Loken to make things look even worse than they were so Algalon would be sure to start the Reorigination. Arguably Loken’s false-positive “kill switch” redundancy would have been unnecessary if he already knew Azeroth was sufficiently corrupted to require a reset anyway, as such a reset would have wiped the slate and left him free to make up whatever story he wanted to after with nothing left to contradict him.


We also sherperd them for their MEAT. Where do you think veal comes from?

The grocery store.




Veal comes from cows not sheep

Mutton on the other hand? That comes from sheep



The only reason that domestic sheep need to be shorn is because their natural shedding mechanisms have been bred out of them.

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