Were the Titan's always morally gray?

I mean, one toaster is fine. Imagine your whole houses appliances becoming sentience and all they want to do it paint.

Imagine if your house contained a living spirit that was making said appliances rebel.

Because that’s exactly what Azeroth was doing

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No they were not. At worst, the Titans reoriginating corrupted planets would be bad for the planet’s natives, but it has zero to do with morality. That, and their creations have occasionally gone haywire, whether from Old God corruption or just simply from time, but that’s not a statement of the Titans’ morality.

If anything, in Legion they were only ever presented as unambiguously benevolent creators, taking all kinds of steps to seed worlds with life and promoting the growth of world souls. It’s only with more recent expansion lore that Blizzard’s weird obsession with awful cosmology and “actually the good guys are secretly evil and maybe the tentacle Cthulhu creatures that cause indiscriminate chaos and insanity and are objectively evil aren’t all THAT bad, it’s just Titan propaganda” that any of this idiocy in the writing really took off.

Very big “errm actually the bugs aren’t the bad guys in Starship Troopers” energy.


They were considered lawful neutral.
Apparently they’re now lawful evil or something.

The machine spirits want to paint

I see a Worldcore and I want to make it crack
No free will any more, they want to take it back


Which in all fairness would be the merciful thing to do. Every time we’ve gotten a glimpse into what happens if the Void gets their way it has not been a pretty sight.


In fairness, the Earthen didn’t just remain chill. As the situation progressed, they apparently started attacking the Worldcore. What started as seemingly innocuous divergences were increasingly compounding into Thraegar who lashed out violently.

The thing is, when your machines start behaving violently outside their parameters on a planet that’s already known to be infested with entities whose M.O. includes subverting the behavior of your machines, all while tangible proof of such is spreading around via the Curse of Flesh, it’s not particularly unreasonable to interpret such outbursts as something nasty trying to turn them against you rather than celebrate the benign advent of glorious and spontaneous free will.

The Earthen story in Dornogal acts like the Titans and Keepers were meant to ignore that the behavior of titan-forged being subverted toward sinister ends wasn’t already a well-established problem. They left the Curse of Flesh alone because it wasn’t causing those afflicted to become dangerously adversarial, but the changes in the Algari Earthen were apparently producing targeted attacks on the Worldcore, so they took steps to prevent it.


Plus the fact that Aggramar (and previously Sargeras) were dedicated to backtracking and saving worlds that had been invaded and corrupted instead of just scorching the earth to rid them of the demons suggests that it takes a pretty extreme degree of systemic failure for the Titans to deem a planet beyond salvaging and resort to Re-Origination. With how many times Azeroth has prevailed and thrived, even in spite of lingering corruption and damage afterward, it’s easy to forget what a nightmarish horror show the entire planet would have become for every living thing if it hadn’t.

People tend to ignore that Azeroth is unprecedented in the cosmos. Any other world the Titans have visited (and likely those they haven’t) would have succumbed to just a fraction of what Azeroth’s managed to resist, be it from the Burning Legion, the Old Gods or even Death itself. The fact that it’s been able to adapt and drive back so many threats that alone would each extinguish any other planet is part of what makes everyone want it.


Or we simply go beyond the nine boxes.

To be fair, Archaedas in the Titan Discs weekly quest, even mentions they know it’s Azeroths energies that are turning some Earthen into Thraegar.

It’s why the Keepers were desperate to keep everyone away from the Worldcore built around her

Honestly boss encounters like Norushen and MOTHER are good examples of this. Their encounters are all about purging corruption / contaminants so the main enemy we are going to face does not use that against us.

Norushen has us confront our pride head on while MOTHER is purification by fire.

It is interesting how you can view that.

One case is Azeroth actively resisting the Titans while another is Azeroths immune system doing it subconsciously. Kinda like how you have to take immune dampers if you have an organ transplant. Otherwise your immune system will attack the foreign organ even though you need it to live. The fact that Azeroth called herself a Titan to Magni back in Legion makes me think it is the latter.

And honestly, Yogg-saron corrupting the Forge of Wills is a very good example of what the Titans (via Algalon) deem ‘extreme systemic failure’.

And as we learned with Lei Shen and his conquest, you can scale the radius of the re-orgination blast.


Makes you wonder how many Acts of Rebellion Azeroth has instigated over the years when it comes to the defense of the planet.

The Aspects at the end of DF were basically a LoL watch this move on Azeroths part. Taking the titans little pet project and making them her champions instead.

I’m starting to notice a pattern about Azeroth the world soul though. Seems everything the titans touched on Azeroth, the world soul itself either subconsciously or outright interferes and tries to stop it. Maybe even in ways we previously didn’t understand

Really hoping it’s the latter. I am terrified of them going full “titans bad”


I’m hoping that most Worldsouls are Titans, and the misstep here is The Pantheon not appreciating that Azeroth is unique/different in a way that makes their usual methods questionable.


All world souls ARE titans. Not every titan is a Order Titan. That seems to be the retcon going forward

That opens a lot of worm cans, first among them being the old chicken and egg situation with Aman’thul, and another being the lack of Order analogs in reality (Wild Gods, Naaru, Old Gods).

Although, just to be clear, I think you are correct in where they’re taking things.


So why did Aman’thul cross the road?


To Titan a loose screw.


In answer to your starting topic, Treemeister… I completely disagree with the entire assumption. See my topic on the “Lonely Gardener Model for Titans” to see where I spell out how I see the Titans to “be” moral, and for sentient mortals to be included in their plans… not a violation of their plans.

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