We’re sorry, but new users are temporarily limited to 3 replies in the same topic.
I am not a new user? This isn’t even a new character. They were made in MoP. I have unobtainable items from MoP. I also have the warglaives…
We’re sorry, but new users are temporarily limited to 3 replies in the same topic.
I am not a new user? This isn’t even a new character. They were made in MoP. I have unobtainable items from MoP. I also have the warglaives…
They mean new to the forums. Not the game
Sadly, you have to “level up” here, too. And, until that happens, you’re pretty much completely gimped (you can’t even post links).
Yeah but this isn’t a new chatacter.
It’s not based on the character. It’s based on your participation on the forums with that particular character/avatar.
This isn’t the age of your characters, or your account, it’s for your forum activity.
You can see it by middle clicking your profile picture at the top, to open it in a new tab with a summary of your forum character.
I’m not sure on the wording that is used corresponding to trust level 0, 1, 2 or 3, but there’s 4 ranks.
This guide by one of the greens pinned in General Discussion is a bit out of date so the requirements on each level might not be correct anymore however getting to Trust level one used to be…
so it won’t be too far off, post a few times, read a few threads, give a few likes and should bump you up soon.
I think there is more involved than that. I have switched posting character from time to time and I have never run into that restriction.
What’s really aggravating is that there’s no way to see what Trust level you’re at.
I don’t know if I’m allowed to embed YouTube videos yet.
Apparently,I can.
are you locked out of your own thread after your next response?
There’s a semi way to see it, in your profile for your character.
I know Trust level 2 is Member, and Trust level 3 is Regular, but I can’t remember what 0 and 1 are sadly.
Open your character in another tab and toss .json after it. CTRL-F trust. Your level is highest shown.
Go to this link. Ctrl + f, search for “trust_level_” and yours is the highest result. You are TL1.
I think everyone can imbed youtube videos. They’re considered “safe”.
You have to be fancy to embed .gifs, though.
Let’s see if gifs are possible at Trust Level 1.
Apparently not. I can’t post links either. Pathetic forum design.
Does this “rule” start with the new Forum software?
My Avatar here has been here since the beginning of Wow. I probably didn’t use the forum for a couple years, but for a while I was quite active on the forum.
I changed servers a couple times and changed to Horde for a few years and then went back to my original server and back to Alliance.
I LOST all my achievements in the first four or five years of playing and for years was playing other classes.
I don’t know if I’m “limited”…although I know that this kind of Forum Software can limit three consecutive posts, or three replies to the same person. since I see that on other forums I read using the same software.
Maybe, I dunno. I suspect the restriction that the OP mentions might be something they do during high volume times. Either way, I wasn’t trying to comment on that so much as the fact that your forum character has to start from scratch with each character. It really should be account wide, but they tied your Trust level to the specific characters/avatars.
It does not carry over. My main had 25k posts in the old forums and it was wiped like they never happened in the new one.
edit: I can finally comment more than 3 times. WOO!
They have the ability to make it account wide. All my characters have trust lvl 3 right now because my account is beta flagged.
Welcome to the forum grind.