Were profession ranks a hit or miss?

Do you think ranks (for both recipes and materials) were a good addition to professions? Or do they detract from them?

I don’t really care for it with materials and consumables, just because it feels like an inventory nuisance.

I think its fine/good for gear though.


I enjoyed the new system…and I think having an account-wide/auto-withdraw bank will make a lot of the inventory issues less impactful. Unless you just decide to keep stuff in your bags for some reason.

Professions overall were still a miss for me.
But it defintely seems like people are engaging in them more than they did in Legion, BFA and SL.

For me, it depends if they build on them or not.

If they build upon the first go around, give some QoL. They are a hit.

If left as is, a miss.

I think profession ranks were good as they let you specialize into specific things. I do however think that it was too punishing if you wanted to switch it up. You should either be able to fully refund points using Artisan’s Mettle (there isn’t a real use for it anyway). Use Artisan’s Mettle to buy extra points or just overall reduce the amount of points required per item, per level.
It sometimes costs 90 points to max into 1 item, maybe halve that so you can change your mind without feeling like you wasted points. While I think the system was kind of good, it was definitely too punishing. If I got say a pattern from raid I should be excited about that drop, not mad that I should not have spent any points and saved them.

A big miss for me. I changed all my characters to mining and herbalism for extra xp and I just ignore them after I hit max level.

yeah it’s bad too bad they’re continuing it. the tier things are useless and leveling some (alchemy) felt awful plus alchemy was exploited day one so it was doomed anyway lol

I think that ranks made professions much better.

There were a lot of good things but professions were killed by gating progress with weekly quests, not actually crafting, and not being able to set minimum qualities on public orders.

There were some other problems like specialization abilities that were a waste of points because they were about leveling and not improving your crafting.

I liked the perks that came with ranks, but it was too easy to completely screw things up. There were guides early on because choosing a path incorrectly really set you back. I went hammer control first for blacksmithing. It was weeks after realizing I couldn’t make anything to progress before I could recover.

I think it’s a miss. We already have too much rng in the game, we did not need it in professions too.

Only do professions for my personal use so don’t really pay attention to ranks until I have maxed them out. For skills, I just picked what I thought sounded nice. Still haven’t maxed out skills for any non-gathering profession.

Fine idea, actually the standard for many mmos, implemented poorly. The ability to refine into higher ranks should be baseline, and there should be more than three ranks. Also a way to “respec” knowledge is a must. Someone shouldn’t need to research on wowhead and plan out a profession build, that’s just nonsense.

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I hate the needlessly convoluted and overly complicated aspect of professions. Legion tried it and failed, so why bring it back?

Yes, a great hit.
Never had so much blast with professions.

A relief after the legendary fiasco in Shadowlands. And for once you can really make gold with crafting, and guess what, it is enjoyable.

Just a few minor QoL improvements and a catch up mechanism that they never implemented, would be nice.

Skill ranks need a serious looking into, if not outright removed entirely. I’ve never been less invested in professions ever, and that includes back when you had to level through each expansion just to get to the current one. The fact that you could basically screw yourself out of getting anything close to useful until long past the time it would have been useful, just because you put your points in the wrong thing so now you’re not getting these super important materials that you need just to level the profession, was ridiculous

i like it.

i can craft shovels with the lowest-grade ore, but for the armor and weapons, only the finest rank will do!

detract from them

Hate them… and it looks like they’re doing them again. #silentscream