Were people as angry about the Lightforged joining the Alliance as they were the Nightborne joining the Horde?

That is all they needed to do. Focus upon the shared experiences between the NB and the BEs and show the BEs helping them come to terms with their addiction and rejoining the world. Instead they went all soap opera drama mode.

No it’s not.

Yes, she did tell her that she had to trust them, yes. But, that moment was not even the reason for joining the Horde.

People keep going back to the insurrection storyline, but won’t focus on the recruitment scenario where she literally explains why she wants to join the Horde.

Why are you people so dense?!

Those are horrible words from Tyrande yes. I suppose the bitterness comes from being left to die.

In way, both sides have their faults.

You’re calling us dense?

When you are ignorant of the fact that your post thinks she randomly changes minds at the last minute? All of this caused her to change her mind.

Bruh think about your logical sense first before calling us dense.

If my memory serves me well, there were complaints we should’ve gotten broken than lightforged.

Also about lightforged monks and rogues. :thinking:


That’s not an insult.

It literally gives context that she just didn’t bother to come back to invite them. Tyrande is at fault here.

No one really cared about the Lightforged. They were always kind of a weak addition and Now they’re a throw away race. Normal Draenei have better customization (thou they still need some work), better racials and more classes available.

Just fold the few unique things Lightforged bring into normal Draenei customization and call it a mulligan.

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I specifically said Tyrande was at fault
But Thalryssa basically reabandoned half her race (because again, nightborne and night elves are different castes of the same race) and her tipping point was a petty insult because Tyrande wanted her to shut off the nightwell (which is when that conversation Thal hologrammed took place)


She wanted her people to join someone’s faction to part of the world outside of Surumar again. So, yes, she did just randomly change her mind because the Alliance never came back to her.

What was she supposed to do? Just sit there and do nothing? In her eyes the Alliance wasn’t interested. So with Horde representatives already there, why not go to them?

She explains this!

Felt the same about Dark Iron and Highmountain Tauren honestly.

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The LF were a no brainer choice for alliance. Draenei, Turalyon as a “boss”…

The nightbourne got a very questionable reason to be horde.

Tyrande was mean to us. Which she was was. She doesn’t candy coat. She has little trust for them. the whole demon occupancy thing and some clearly liking it and living high off the hog from it…you kind of have to go some questions are there.

With people like me the sticking point is she chose sylvanas. Who by and large is exactly like Elisande. She will, and has, made cut deals with shady powers. In just legion alone she makes a deal with Helya.

As I see it between Tyrande being a pita and Sylvanas being shady and manipulative AF…she’d take tyrande. She fought a revolution to get rid of EIlsande. And she basically signed up the nightbourne to be right back where they were.

This time it was just an undead blood elf in charge. Who relies on necromancy…the second thing that would have the first arcanist in my mind going WTF??? is this crap.

No… no it wasn’t. The hologram was an off screen convo.

Give me a screen shot of her saying that it was insults that made her change her mind.

I will wait.

Exactly why you should pay attention to events which happen in the game.

Tyrande made it clear to the Nightborne that they had to prove themselves and grovel and that she wouldn’t do anything and left them.

It was up to the Nightborne to go behind them or stay back and consider other options.

And that eventually led to her choosing the Blood Elves because they were more like “Bro come over we got you!” instead of Tyrande’s “Git gud. Also put in more effort while we do zero”.

So cause leads to consequences. Simple xD

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People didn’t seem to mind Lightforged joining the Alliance because heir skeleton model, Draenei, already existed on the Alliance.

They were upset that Nightborne, a variation of Night Elf, would be given to the Horde. Ironically enough, the same people who were likely upset about Nightborne being given to the Horde are the people who enjoy having the Void Elves on the Alliance and possibly even fight for Belf customization on Void Elves.

The GD forums is full of hypocrisy so I’m not sure who would really be surprised.

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Not really. If theirs any anger, it’s most likely because Lightforged is just draenei again but lighter.

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the lightforged main purpose is too fight the void joining a faction conflict that has nothing to do with that purpose instead of being neutral and try to make peace with both faction is stupid and detrimental to their main purpose doenst matter who leads them

still they could just have been neutral no point in joining the conflict

ok here now we gonna step things straight

this only happened because the draenei themselves brought the legion to the orcs world like they did with 100 of other worlds with populations on it and they never warned any of those populations of those worlds and watch those world get corrupted and still they did nothing to help those worlds that they brought the legion too , nothing outside of running when things got bad without ever warning the people of those worlds

only reason why they didnt left draenor is because their ship was down , same reason why they probably didnt left azeroth and everyone on it too , you know that if they had a mean to do so they would have done it , thats what your people do

its like if I bring a disease into your home knowingly that make you violent than watch you get infected and become violent toward me than press charges and cry because you got violent its what the draenei did to the orcs

the draenesi are the most hypocritical race in all of the game and the one who have commited the worst atrocity throught their selfishness and cowardness , you have doomed 100 of worlds and their population to be found and destroyed and never did anything to help or warned them

tbh the draeneis deserve what happened to them

okay lol

just okay lol nothing more to say

Ironic. Because you just showed four examples of how the alliance is blizzards favorite and yet anytime horde get anything there are nothing but whine threads from angry alliance players.

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Bruh. Both factions whine needlessly.

When either faction pretends to be mature, you come in and curbstomp their superiority.



No. Lightforged dranae were expected to join the aliance because they are dranae, just like high mountain tauren were expected to join the horde. For nightborn it was a bit different since the expectation was for them to be a neutral race. This as aggravated by the existance of void elfes, which should not have ever been a thing. Making nightborn neutral and never even suggesting void elves would be much better. Making Aleria gather the remnants of the aliance high elves would be even better.


The horde whine, the alliance whine, neither faction is better than the other.