We're not making enough noise about layering

You’re just a bundle of sunshine and joy aren’t you.

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I used to be. Old blizzard died with myself along with them :skull_and_crossbones:

Sorry to break it to you, but you will still be fighting for mobs. There will still be 100s in the starting zones, even with layering. There may still be queues as well. I don’t think the servers will be crashing these days, so there’s that. 3 months in may actually be the best time to start.

They have never merged. However I’d rather they merge and force name changes than have to type -sargeras everytime
I want to message someone on my “realm”.

Dont worry, all will be revealed in a few short weeks. Hold tight.

Not worried. I think layering is the right choice for the population issues they foresee. It should prevent having to “merge” realms, while also preventing giant queues we’ve never seen before.

Nobody (at least not me or this thread) is looking to call these people evil or money grabbing. Likely they don’t even get to call all the shots. We’re upset about a technical feature of Classic that these people are trying to implement in a way we believe is shortsighted. We’re not upset about the people themselves.

On the contrary I think we all can universally be thankful for the Classic team and all the work they have done to bring us this. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong to voice our concerns about the game to that same team when concerns arise.


Truuuu streamer servers will be nightmarish. THANKS LAYERING!! … Not

You are rare soul on these forums and sound very pragmatic and sensible. Still, if you have spent any time reading here over the past year plus, you would feel quite alone in your rational.
I do, so much to the point it was getting on my last nerve :wink: Thats a joke. No amount of posts, quotes, links, or videos where getting through to a large portion of posters.
I likened them to zombies but rather than saying braaaaains were saying no laaayering, cash grabbbb, no chaaaanges, over and over no matter how hard you hit them with a board, another joke. :wink:
Many 10’s of others kept a level head throughout these disputes and I applaud them for it.
Anyway, Its almost over thank goodness. shots for everyone!

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I’d be in a good mood too making money re releasing something I already sold with minimal effort put into it.

Yeah, “mimimal effort” didnt they just have to replace the batteries? sheesh.

Considering they outright said, with no wriggle room whatsoever, that layering is going to be GONE by the time Phase 2 launches because they don’t want layering to interfere with the world bosses and such, you’re wrong.

And that tin foil makes you look stupid.

qq more noob

I can easily see them removing layering from only the zones with world bosses, but otherwise keeping it. It’s not a difficult decision. If you had to pick keeping layering or having tons of 8-12k servers (might be even higher for asmon/soda streamer server) with layering or forcing all those thousands into queues or other servers and fearing a backlash I think it’s easy to see.

We’ll see who’s looking ‘stupid’ when Phase 2 actually releases. Spoiler alert: I don’t think it’s going to be me.

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Layering doesn’t work like that. Layering is continent-wide. It’s a single shard for the WHOLE. CONTINENT.

What part of that is hard to grasp?

That’s how layering works now. Don’t you read? I said ‘change it’.

It wouldn’t be hard to keep it for the rest of the continent and disable it for a zone lol

So basically just replace layering with sharding.

You do realize you’re opening the floodgates with that suggestion, right?

reminder that layering falsely increases the quantity of resources, let’s say there’s 1,000 nodes of ore in teh game, layering multiplies that with every layer, so 10 layers makes the server have 10,000 nodes of ore total, do any of you realize how this could ruin the economy early on…

Yes, a good point. People could hoard tons of rare ores on bank alts and wait till the price goes up if they do ever remove layering.

the problem is what is the alternative really…i don’t like this one bit but there’s no pure win win situation